Part 5       by Andy Horton 2011

Actinia equina
For many years from at least 1966 to 2003 I noted the presence of numerous Beadlet Anemones, Actinia equina, on the caves and gullies in Fishcombe Cove, near Brixham, South Devon. On a visit this year I was shocked to find none and spent a long time searching on one of the lowest tides of the year. Is this species sensitive to wave action or pollution? I also noticed that the extensive beds of bootlace weed (Chorda filum) which used to be present at this location are also absent. Is this indicative of some environmental change or pollution? Brixham has recently seen the completion of a major extension to the fish quay which may have caused an increase in suspended solids at this site.
Message by Jonathan Anglesea