Lancing Clump: Flora             Autumn 2004


16 October 2004
Common Mouse-ear, 
Cerastium fontanum
was common on the short grass meadows on the route from the dewpond south-east towards the large gate to the bridleway
Red Clover
in McIntyres Field
Wild Basil in mid-October

Germander Speedwell, Veronica chamaedrys?  (not treble* checked yet: it could be another Speedwell?)
(* with a specialist ID key)
It is not really meant to be flowering this late

Chalk Pit Enclosure. eastern end
Outside the chalkpit, next to the bridleway, midway between the eastern fence of the chalkpit and McIntyres Field before entering the wooded area Small mushrooms with the grasses of the chalkpit area Ground flora including a tiny patch of Horseshoe Vetch on the eastern end of the chalkpit enclosure

Centre:  Hygrocybe miniata ?