Adur Dung Fungi
WARNING: identification is not confirmed for many of these mushrooms

28 October 2006
Four species of mushroom have now been seen in a field by the Steyning Road, Old Shoreham. Snowy Ink Cap, Coprinus niveus, was now recognised and the snowy/flaky appearance of the conical cap could be seen clearly. One older mushroom had a flat cap.
Ink Cap Panaeolus papilionaceus var papilionaceus.

The second mushroom was frequently seen in the grass next to the dung and looked very similar in shape, but the cap and stem were dark and the caps were slightly larger. My first identification is for Panaeolus rickenii (wrong, see below). I could not get a closer look at the mushrooms because of the barbed wire and electric fence.  A third mushroom was also seen in the dung. I think this latter one was a species of Conocybe. The fourth species has a flattened cap and was much larger, estimated at over 60 mm cap diameter with a stem that could not be seen.

Image 2 (above):
Panaeolus papilionaceus var papilionaceus. You were close! P. rickenii (now called P. acuminatus) is more purple brown.
Bioimages image link for this species
ID by Malcolm Storey (BioImages) on the Fungi of the British Isles (Yahoo Group)

27 October 2006
Mushrooms discovered in the afternoon were a dozen the white-capped species growing on horse droppings piled up on the edge of the field by the Steyning Road, Old Shoreham. The white stems of this species were hollow. This was the Snowy Ink Cap, Coprinus niveus.

ID confirmed by Malcolm Storey (BioImages) on the Fungi of the British Isles (Yahoo Group)

13 September 2005
On the large pile of horse dung in Frampton's Field (north of The Street, Old Shoreham) there was a large number of mushrooms.

They looked like Panaeolus sphinctrinus to my inexperienced eye.

12 July 2004
Panaeolus sphinctrinus

On the horse dung, next to the footpath approach to Mill Hill from the Waterworks Road, there were now two species of fungi. One was a species of Conocybe (see below)

and the other (with the black gills in the photograph above) looked like Panaeolus sphinctrinus ? to my inexperienced eye.

23 May 2004

On the edge of the horse's field on the south-west approaches of Mill Hill, (south of the A27 main road), on the pile of dung next to the footpath two clumps of about 20 mushrooms were growing. It is a species of Conocybe. There are seventy nine species of Conocybe found in Britain.

Fungi ID suggestion by Jean J Wuilebaut on Fungi of the British Isles (Yahoo Group)
British Mycological Society

10 May 2004
There were scores of these dome-shaped
Panaeolus sphinctrinus
mushrooms by the dried cow pats on 
Anchor Bottom, near Upper Beeding.