Glasswort, Salicornia, grows on the margins of Widewater Lagoon where patches turn red in autumn. There are several species but this plant is so variable in appearance that it will need experts to distinguish them to species level.
28 September 2016
27 September 2016
River Adur
18 September 2016
Adur Orache Sea Blite, Glasswort
Orache (left) (unidentified)
Glasswort Sea Blite Glasswort showing the three flowers
Salicornia dolichostachya BUSHY GLASSWORT
Salicornia europaea GLASSWORT
Salicornia pusilla FRAGILE GLASSWORTin Flora of Shoreham-by-Sea (List)
showing the varying appearances of the plant (September 2001)
plant on the far right is the young shoots of Sea Blite, Suaeda
on the image for a large view.
(Search Messages on UK Botany)
You might care to try the
"Plant Crib" pub.
by BSBI 1988, ISBN 0 901158 17
8; this contains a good
key to a very difficult genus, based on Francis
Rose's key of 1984, and
updated by J.R. Ackroyd.
Plant Crib information on Glasswort 1998 (Adur Biodiversity Network members only)
Message: 15
Date: Wed,
23 Jan 2002 19:25:43 -0000
From: "Ron
Tavender" <>
Subject: Re: Red Glasswort
Andy -
Your "carpets of red" seem
to suggest Salicornia ramosissima or S. europaea.
Mainly in middle and upper
sections of saltmarshes. S. ramosissima is one of three spp. in
S. europaea group, the other two being S. europaea and
The latter does not redden.
The best of luck!
Message: 16
Date: Wed,
23 Jan 2002 19:36:59 +0000
From: "pete.selby"
Subject: Re: Glasswort,
I have had some experience
of identifying Salicornias and have been
consulting with Francis
Rose and also using the excellent key in The
Plant Crib, Rich & Jermy.
I have looked at your picture
(above) and consider that the red salicornia on the
left is Salicornia ramosissima.
The other one is probably the same species
as it also has a waisted
appearance and of a similar size. Not all of the
plants turn red at the same
time. If it were smaller and more delicate and
only had a single flower
rather than a group of three and if it were at the
top edge of the saltmarsh
then it would be Salicornia pusilla. However
please note that there is
a prostrate form of S ramosissima which may be
confused with it and also
note that S ramosissima and S pusilla hybridize and
in this case some flowers
are in groups of three and others are single.
These are generally in the
fixed part of the saltmarsh and a completely
different range of plants
occupy the bare mud.
Salicornia europaea, which has slenderer branches but forms a larger plant.
Salicornia fragilis and Salicornia
dolichostachya which re not waisted and
usually dull.
Salicornia obscura and Slicornia nitens (Not too sure about these two)
and finally Sarcocornia perennis,
which has some infertile shoots as well as
flowering ones and usually
forms a bushy clump.
None are scheduled although
a couple are classed as scarce, because of their
limited distribution.
They can only be accurately determined for the short
period from flowering until
the first frost, usually the month of October.
If you need to get determination
they travel well through the post if placed
in a slightly inflated sealed
plastic bag. Experiments with freeze drying to
obtain a reference collection
have so far not been successful as the plants
dry out and most characteristics
are lost.
Please get in touch if I can help in any other ways.
BSBI VC Recorder S Hampshire
September 2007
Widewater at dusk showing the red Glasswort at the edge of the lagoon. Because the lagoon is in flood there is much less of this to be seen than in previous years. |
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River Adur Estuary (October 2004)