16 June 2006.
Two Little Egrets were feeding on the mud and water edge as the tide came in.
The Edible Crab Cancer pagurus, Spiny Spider Crabs Maja squinado, and Velvet Swimming Crabs Necora puber, collected for Adur World Oceans Day were returned to Kingston Beach.
The rubble covered tidal shore was inhabitated by scores of juvenile Blennies, Lipophrys pholis, that were common (over a hundred) under rocks.
There were also hundreds of Shore Crabs Carcinus maenas, as expected and a 5-Bearded Rockling, Ciliata mustela, and a small Common Starfish, Asterias rubens, under the same boulder with two Hairy Crabs, Pilumnus hirtellus and a small Edible Crab. One miniature brittlestar was discovered and this was a surprise.
A new plant in flower on the shingle of Kingston Buci Beach was the Bristly Ox-Tongue, Picris echioides.
Great Lettuce, Lactuca virosa. PS: this looks like Prickly Lettuce, Lactuca serriola.
Far right: The leaves all seem to be pointing in a north-south compass alignment.