Bermuda Sea Chub have been discoved by BMLSS members Peter Biddulph and others off the Atlantic coast of Ireland. .
The others involved in the discovery were John Mortimer and Eamonn Hornibrook ( Who has now moved over to tropical Marine) It was identified by a German marine biologist who visits south Connamara each year.- Prof. Needameir.. The first find was with a herring net some 2 miles off the coast. Other finds were by throw net. This fish seems to like floating clumps of sea-weed as it was under this that most captures took place.
I have not kept BSC in my tanks but both Eamonn and John have done so. The captive specimens were between 15 and 22cm. and did not fare well in the aquarium. Fed well on white fish.
is assumed that they are tourists comming up on the North Atlantic Drift.
German Prof. Needameir (possible incorrect spelling)
This chap comes to Lettermullen in Connemara each summer to study marine
life, the last time he was here he studied Triggerfish
in great detail, and it was on one of the trips to capture some that the
first BSC /K.c turned up. This fish was quickly claimed by Eamonn !
Needameir changes the water in his many tanks daily, with the help of the
many students he brings with him. He has a workstation right on the shore,
facing the Atlantic. Not a place for a winter day. I will contact him when
he returns and get as much information from him as I can. I believe he
reported the K. sectctrix to the university ( N.U.I. Galway.) Eamonn
would know that for sure. The first K.s was kept for some months by Eamonn.