ECSA 2001 Local Meeting
 Ulster Museum, Belfast 26 & 27 April 2001

The meeting will be for two full days, and will focus on marine biodiversity around the coasts and shallow waters of the island of Ireland. There will be a field excursion on Saturday morning (28th April) to the Strangford Lough Marine Nature Reserve in Co. Down. 

Provisionally offered presentations

James Bell (University College, Cork)

Lough Hyne: a marine biodiversity hotspot?

Simon Berrow (Irish Whale & Dolphin Group)

Cetacean soup: chowder or consomée?

Joe Breen, Tim Mackie (Industrial Research & Technology Unit, Antrim) & Matt Service (Dept. of Agriculture & Rural Development, Belfast)

Benthic biodiversity in Belfast Lough

Mark Costello (Ecoserve, Dublin)

What we know and need to know about marine biodiversity

Karin Dubsky (Trinity College, Dublin)

Indicators of biodiversity in the intertidal - public participation in survey and historic records

Jim Ellis (CEFAS)

Macrobenthic fauna of the Celtic Sea

Elizabeth Gosling (Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway)

Periwinkles: a geneticist's view of the perfect model for biodiversity studies

Anthony Grehan (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Irish deep-water biodiversity: past, present and future

Michael Guiry (National University of Ireland, Galway)

The marine macroalgae of Ireland: biodiversity and distribution

Richard Hartnoll (University of Liverpool, Port Erin, Isle of Man)

Eutrophication in the Irish Sea - a threat to biodiversity?

Brenda Healy (University College, Dublin)

Diversity in coastal lagoons

Bob Kennedy & Martin Solan (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Are there alternatives to traditional labour intensive surveys in monitoring macrobenthic diversity?

Colm Lordan (The Marine Institute, Dublin)

The biodiversity of cephalopods in the waters around Ireland

Andrew Mackie (National Museums & Galleries of Wales) & Ivor Rees (University of Wales, Bangor)

Benthic biodiversity in the southern Irish Sea

Dan Minchin (Marine Organism Investigations)

Biodiversity and marine invaders

Ian Montgomery, Alex Portig & Jane Preston

Biotope mapping in Strangford Lough

Pippa Morrison (Ulster Wildlife Trust)

The importance of marine protected areas in maintaining marine biodiversity

John Patching (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Assessing microbial diversity in marine environments

Stuart Rogers (CEFAS) & Mike Armstrong (Dept. of Agriculture & Rural Development, Belfast)

Fish diversity in the Irish Sea

Jim Wilson (Trinity College, Dublin) & Chris Emblow (Ecoserve, Dublin)

Biodiversity on sandy and muddy shores



The Proceedings from this conference will be published following peer review of oral and poster papers. Offers of presentations especially posters will be welcomed.


The conference fee is £50 (£45 ECSA members) for the two day meeting, (£20 students, excluding Proceedings) and will include Registration, Delegates information pack, Light refreshments, Conference dinner, Abstract booklet and the Proceedings publication.


For further details and Registration Form contact: Dr. Julia Nunn

Centre for Environmental Data & Recording, Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast BT9 5AB

Tel.: 028 90 383153 Fax 028 90 383103 E-mail:

This conference is organised by the Centre for Environmental Data and Recording, involving the support (to date) of the Ulster Museum, the Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association, The Marine Institute, the Industrial Research & Technology Unit and the Environment & Heritage Service.

Centre for Environmental Data and Recording

CEDaR was established in 1995 by the Ulster Museum, with the active support of the Environment & Heritage Service, as the Local Records Centre for Northern Ireland. CEDaR collects and stores information on the distribution of flora and fauna, and geological sites, within Northern Ireland and coastal waters. These data are made available for a variety of purposes. Advice and information is also given on how to record local flora and fauna, and links to local groups and societies are provided.

Ulster Museum

The Ulster Museum originated as part of the Belfast History & Philosophical Society, founded in 1821. It was established in the Botanic Gardens, Belfast in 1929, and extended in 1971. The Museum houses important collections and exhibitions from its three curatorial divisions of Fine & Applied Art, Human History and the Sciences.

Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association

The association was founded in 1971, and is the major European focus for the communication of research and scholarship in estuarine science. membership is open to all who are interested in estuarine and coastal marine science, whether in Europe or further afield. The Association holds local meetings, where work relevant to one specific estuary or coastal site is presented, and annual symposia, where work applicable to a chosen theme of estuarine and coastal science is presented. Many of the symposia have been published. The Association has an associated journal 'Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science', which is available at greatly reduced rates to members. The ECSA Bulletin is distributed to all members, free of charge, three times a year.

The Marine Institute is Ireland's national agency responsible for marine research and development. Its aim is to support existing marine activity and employment, and underpin future innovation and growth. To achieve this, there are six service divisions focussed on sustaining the current momentum in RTDI, and providing operational capabilities in support of the marine sector. These are:

The Industrial and Technology Unit (IRTU), based in Lisburn, Co. Antrim, is an executive agency of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment. Its mission is to provide the leadership, co-ordination and support needed to enhance the contribution of science, engineering and technology to the competitiveness and sustainable development of the economy in Northern Ireland. IRTU provides a wide range of advisory, consultancy and laboratory services.

Environment and Heritage Service (EHS) is an Agency within the Department of the Environment. It aims to protect and conserve Northern Ireland's natural and built environment, and to promote its appreciation for the benefit of present and future generations. In a marine context, EHS carries out environmental surveys, recording and monitoring, and has specific responsibility for:

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