including Silver Sands and the shingle foreshore to the west of Shoreham Fort
14 July 2005
Rough Clover,  Trifolium scabrum
Hare's-foot Clover
Trifolium arvense
Childing Pink

Petrorhagia  nanteuilii

Starry Clover
Trifolium stellatum

June 2005
Thrift  (close-up)
Tree Mallow
Yellow-horned Poppy in the foreground and the Lifeboat Station and Shoreham Harbour in the background (Summer Solstice 2005)
Coastguard Tower on Old Fort with Tree Mallow, Silver Ragwort and Red Valerian in the foreground (Summer Solstice 2005)
Yellow-horned Poppy in the foreground and the Lifeboat Station and Shoreham Harbour in the background (Summer Solstice 2005)
Coastguard Tower on Shoreham Fort with Tree Mallow, Silver Ragwort and Red Valerian in the foreground (Summer Solstice 2005)
Silver Ragwort
Viper's Bugloss
Sea Kale
Silver Ragwort
Viper's Bugloss
Kidney Vetch invading the Childing Pink habitat
Silver Sand area between the Harbour Club and the river with Plantains and Childing Pink and other wild plants
Kidney Vetch invading the Childing Pink habitat
Silver Sand area between the Harbour Club and the river 
with Plantains and Childing Pink and other wild plants