18 August 1999
Irish skate of 188 lbs caught off Newport Co Mayo, Eire by Alan Bowerbank.

Starry Smoothhound of 24 lbs caught off Gosport, Wales, by Gordon Snelson.

Undulate ray of 14 lbs 15 ozs caught from Littlehampton West Ditch mark by Jean Frampton.

11 August 1999

Thornback ray of 16 lbs 4 ozs caught off Chesil Beach by Michael Winter

22 September 1999

Smalleye ray of 11 lbs 4 ozs over  the Skerries bank, by Christine Wilden

 (Len Nevell, Sea Angling Reports)

Sharp-nosed Seven-gilled Shark, Hepranchias perlo

it's not actually the
third British record - the specimen from the south of Ireland was taken in
Irish waters, not British. The place of capture of the third specimen is an
area that is disputed by the British and French governments - but it does
acually appear to be closer to France. In the paper that we've written on
the specimen we've played it safe and refered to it as the third specimen
north of the Bay of Biscay. Also, the specimen was captured on a bottom-set
longline, not a surface longline targetting tuna. Further information which
you might like to include is that the specimen was an immature female -
which is very unusual for its size when compared with Pacific specimens. I
hope this doesn't seem like a negative reply - it's certainly not meant to.

Best wishes,


Dr. Aaron C. Henderson
Department of Zoology
Room 226
Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute
National University of Ireland
Republic of Ireland

Tel: +353 91 524411 ext: 3225
Fax: +353 91 750526

Mobile: 087 697 3571

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