7 November
Tufts, Hypholoma fasciculare, from
Windlesham Gardens illustrated below begin to crack and show white lines
across their caps.
3 November
Sulphur Tufts
Sulphur Tuft, Hypholoma fasciculare, is such a common species of fungus that it only just about gets a mention. In these photographs of a clump on a tree stump in Windlesham Gardens, Shoreham, they are further developed (than shown below) and the stem ring can now be clearly seen.
Sulphur Tufts
the rain the
designated footpath (between the Waterworks
Road and the Steyning Road, Old Shoreham) produced a two species of
in the soil amongst the leaf litter of Field
Maple: Sulphur Tuft, Hypholoma sublateritium,
with gills with a blue tinge and Sulphur
Tuft, Hypholoma fasciculare, with
a yellow tinge to its gills (although this
would not reproduce in a photograph).
Originally misidentified as Wood Blewitss, Lepista nuda.)