Yellow plants from Mill Hill

The captions have not been included yet, to double-check the identification when I have more time to make sure:

Location: lower slopes near footpath on the edge of scrub,
between the footpath and scrub at the northern end of the lower slopes

Location:  northern end of the northern end of the lower slopes of Mill Hill.

On the middle slopes there are hundreds of leaves of the Mouse-eared Hawkweed, which also plentiful on the Slonk Hill embankment, but are present only occasionally on the lower slopes


02: Mouse-ear Hawkweed Hawkweed? showing the rosette of leaves
Click to see the hairs which are not so 
noticeable as usual, much more noticeable 
on the upper slopes

03: This is from the lower slopes, not far from 01
Edge of the scrub 

Creeping Cinquefoil
Potentilla reptans

This trailing plant also occurs on the 
lower slopes, the leaves on the parched 
patches much smaller than on the upper 
This flower is from an area of cleared scrub just above the ridge (i.e. not on the lower slopes)

From the photos I'd probably put all those Potentillas down as
reptans.  However, they do mostly look a bit small and the leaf
stalks are rather short, so they (especially the first one) could
possibly be a hybrid.  You need to check gone-over flowers for seed,
as the hybrids are partially or wholly sterile.  Or they could just
look like that because the site is rather sunny or droughted for
reptans -- it does better on deeper soils amongst quite lush grass,
when its leaves can form a uniform carpet on long stalks in or above
the sward.

The composite is a mouse-ear hawkweed, now Pilosella,
formerly Hieracium.  Most people (probably including me) would put
it down as P officinarum, but there are several other species it
could be.  If always single-headed and without stolons like your
photo, Stace would give it as P. peleteriana, shaggy mouse-ear
hawkweed.  You'll have to look at more than one plant.  Hieraciums
are notoriously difficult.

None of your plants is barren strawberry P sterilis -- that has
white petals and trifoliate leaves like true wild strawberry, from
which it can be told by the absence of strawberries, the
disproportionately small central tooth on the leaflets, and petals
spaced apart from each other instead of touching.

Richard Collingridge

Richard Collingridge Creeping (Potentilla reptans) has all flowers with five petals, tormentil (P erecta) all with four, trailing tormentil (P anglica) usually mixed five and four.

Notice also that P reptans has all stems pretty much on the ground, with each leaf being raised up on a long petiole, especially in well-established plants in turf. P erecta has leaves sessile on the stems, which are off the ground. P anglica is again between.

Just to keep us on our toes there are also various hybrids of these three species.

British List:

Pilosella aurantiaca ssp. carpathicola  Fox-and-cubs 
Pilosella aurantiaca ssp. flagellaris  Shetland Mouse-ear Hawkweed 
Pilosella officinarumMouse-ear Hawkweed 
Pilosella peleteriana ssp. tenuiscarpa  Shaggy Mouse-ear Hawkweed 
Pilosella praealta  Tall Mouse-ear Hawkweed 
Pilosella x longisquama (= P. pelteriana x officinarum