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British & European strandings. Telephone numbers to report stranded whales and dolphins.
Every year, scores of, numbers of over a hundred, whales and dolphins (cetaceans) are found stranded alive or washed up dead around the shore of the British Isles. These vary in size from a still born Porpoise under three metres in length to huge Sperm Whales which can attain a length of over 15 metres and a weight of up to 50 tonnes.
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If you find a LIVE stranded or injured whale or dolphin on the beach you must send for help QUICKLY. A whale or dolphin stranding is an emergency and the speed of response by a professional rescue team is perhaps the most crucial factor in determining whether or not an animal can be returned to the sea alive.
Would you know what to
do if you found a whale stranded on a beach?
CSIP Stranded (Dead) Animal Call Line: 0800 6520333
UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) IF YOU FIND A STRANDED
England & Wales:
RSPCA 0300 1234999
01463 243030
Scotland: If you find a DEAD, stranded
marine animal please call 01463 243030 or 07979 245893.
The following telephone numbers are the ones recommended: ENGLAND
SSPCA 0131 339 0111 IRELAND Irish
Live Strandings Guide:
Coast/Northern Ireland.
the JSPCA deal with live strandings Tel 01534 724331
The next numbers are the ones to use if the previous numbers are unavailable for some reason: Environment
Agency Emergency Number - 0800 807 060
Most of the cetaceans washed up are already dead. Some are on amenity beaches and the Local Authority soon gets informed. However, others are on remote beaches, sometimes in inaccessible coves. The urgency is not important in these cases, but records are being kept of all cetaceans washed up. If you have a digital camera, take a photograph and note the following information:
England and Wales Natural History Museum 0207 942 5155 9 (Mondays to Fridays only) Scotland
Ireland Irish
Whale and Dolphin Strandings Scheme
As the Natural History Museum have an answerphone system in operation, you may also wish to inform the following groups who will be interested in your discoveries: Seaquest SW now coordinates responses to strandings (and welcomes records of sightings ) of marine life in the south west. Cornwall now has a dedicated 24 hour hotline for reporting cetacean strandings which is 0845 201 2626. Seals
alive or dead should be reported to the
Devon strandings should be reported to Gavin Black at the Devon Biodiversity
Records Centre at Devon WT 01392 279244, but if you cannot get through
then contact Lindy Hingley on 01803 771092 or the National Marine Aquarium
01752 600301, where my colleague Rolf Williams or myself will deal with
groups keep their own records, so they will appreciate it if they are informed.
The British Marine Life Study Society are interested for our news pages where the most unusual and interesting of whale and dolphin strandings and other aspects of marine life: turtles, swarms of jellyfish, unusual angling captures, sharks and whales seen at sea, as well as anything that lives one the shore and beneath the waves. The contact telephone number for reports is: 01273 465433 The Email address which is often better for the general (less newsworthy) discoveries is: The following eforums can be used to report marine life including cetaceans: Marine
Wildlife of the North-east Atlantic Ocean Group
Mammals of the English Channel
Channel Islands and Normandy Strandings
In Jersey the JSPCA deal with live strandings Tel 01534 724331
and, or e mail jspcaed@itl.net. Dead mammals should be reported to the Societe Jersiaise "Marine Mammal Group" 01534 743740 (Keith Pyman) or 01534 758314 (Office).We do have a list of strandings over the years, this should be on line shortly, The local Marine Conservation Society are trained marine mammal medics.
I know Gérard Mauger of GECC was trying some time ago to collate all information on the Baie de Mont St. Michel and Normandy strandings for a paper or publication, I forwarded all our current Jersey information to him.
Regards Nicolas Jouault
Normandy strandings should be reported to:
Centre d'Innovation Technologique
Rue Louis Aragon / 50130 CHERBOURG-OCTEVILLE
Tél : / Fax :
Portable :
Visit GECC allied in research with the Societe Jersiaise
Marine Mammal Casualty Guidance Notes
Emergency Call-outs
The call-out procedure is simplified and defined in the enclosed flow-chart.
However, in the event of a live stranding the following persons/organisations should always be notified, in this order:
1. Call the GSPCA
The GSPCA is the first point of contact for Emergency First Aid (Tel: 257261). The GSPCA carries a special whale and dolphin rescue pontoon and also has qualified marine mammal medics. If for any reason you cannot get through on this line then call the Director of Operations, Jayne Le Cras on Mobile: 07781 100081.
A veterinary surgeon should also be in attendance.
Suggested contacts:
John A Knight, B.Vet.Med, MRCVS - Tel: 252943 (Vetcare Centres)
David Chamberlain - Tel: 723863 (Route Isabelle Veterinary Practice)
2. If you are unable to contact the GSPCA then please try:
La Société Guernesiaise
Martin Gavet, Marine Mammal Recorder and qualified marine mammal medic (Tel: 727967).
3. If you are unable to contact any of the above then please try:
Guernsey Fire Brigade
The Guernsey Fire Brigade also has qualified marine mammal medics and has appropriate equipment. You should ask them to ensure that a qualified marine mammal medic is in attendance.
Tel: 724491.
States Works Department
Please ask them to ensure that a qualified marine mammal medic is in attendance.
Tel: 246263
Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit
If you find a LIVE stranded or injured whale or dolphin on the beach you must send for help QUICKLY. A whale or dolphin stranding is an emergency and the speed of response by a professional rescue team is perhaps the most crucial factor in determining whether or not an animal can be returned to the sea.
Telephone for help as soon as possible, making sure the caller can give an accurate location and description of the animal. Preferably, telephone BDMLR on 01825 767688 or the CRRU on 01261 851696. Alternatively, you can contact your nearest Police station or local SSPCA (Scotland) / RSPCA (England & Wales) office with details. They should know what to do.
Link for Further Information on Strandings (click on this text)
01825 765546
Charlie Phillips Interpretation Officer Dolphin & Seal Research & Visitor Centre North Kessock Inverness.
EMail:dolphincentre@lineone.netDolphins & Seals of the Moray Firth
UK & Celtic Marine Mammal Project
Cetacean Research (&
Rescue) Unit (CRRU)
P.O. Box 11307 Banff
TEL/FAX (44) 1261
EMERG (44) 7786 925401
EMAIL mailbox@crru.org.uk,
(These are probably out of date)
Please find the web page
(in German):
Norway: Norsk Institut for Naturforskning - MNA, University of Oslo, P0 Box 1037,
Blindern, 0315 Oslo 3 (Tel. No.47-2-854515) (strandings & sightings) Sweden: Zoological Instituut, University of Stockholm, 10691 Stockholm (strandings & sightings) Denmark: Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Kobenhavo (Tel. No.45-35-321000)
(strandings & sightings) United Kingdom: Sea Watch Foundation, Dr PGH Evans, Zoology Dept.,
University of Oxford, Soutn Parks Road, Oxford OX! 3P5 (Tel. No.01865-727984) (sightings) England & Wales: Institute of Zoology, Regent's Park, London NW! 4RY
(Tel. No.44-71 -581457 or 071-722-3333, extn. 891) or Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London 5W7 5BD
(Tel. No.44-171-938-8861/ 9431) (strandings) Scotland: Scottish Agricultural College Veterinary Investigation Centre, Drummondhill,
Inverness (Tel. No.01463-243030) (strandings) Northern Ireland: The Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast (Tel. No.01232-381251) (strandings) Republic of Ireland: Irish Whale & Dolphin Group, Zoology Dept., University College Cork,
Lee Maltings, Cork (Tel. No.351-21-276871) (strandings & sightings) Netherlands: Natural History Museum, Postbus 9517,2300 RA Leiden (31-71 - 175006) (strandings) Belgium:
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) 3e en 23e Linieregimentsplein B-8400 Ostend, Belgium tel.: +32 (0) fax: +32 (0) or mobile phone: +32 (0)477.25.90.06 or +32 (0)475.46.60.68 email: J.Haelters@mumm.ac.be Jan Haelters
Previously: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laboratorium voor Ecotoxicologie, Pleinlaan 2,
1050 Brussels (Tel. No.32-2-641-3414) (strandings) France: Musee Oceanographique, Port des Minimes, 17000 La Rochelle
(Tel. No.33-46-45-1787) (strandings & sightings) Portugal: Servico Nacional de Parques, Reservas e Conservacao da Natureza,
Rua Filipe Folque 46~3o, 1000 Lisboa (Tel. No.351-1-3523018) (strandings & sightings) Spain: Dept. de Biologfa Animal (Vertebrats), Facultad de Biologia, Universidat de Barcelona,
Diagonal 645, 08071 Barcelona (Tel. No.34-3-4021453) (strandings & sightings) Italy: Museo Historia Naturale, Corso Venezia 55, Milano 20121 (Tel. No.39-2-6208-5405)
(strandings) Instituto Tethys, Via Giusti 5, 20154 Milano (Tel. No.39-2-314403) (sightings)
© 1995 Sea Watch Foundation
SEA WATCH FOUNDATION http://www.seawatchfoundation.org.uk/ REGIONAL GROUPS http://www.seawatchfoundation.org.uk/regional/map.htm
SeaQuest Southwest / Cornwall Dolphin Group Information about carcasses and live specimens wanted: 1) Species (a photograph is always helpful). 2) Length 3) Location, including grid ref. if possible. Also, information about access to the site. 4) State of the tide (important). 5) Date found. Information from the Autumn 1993 issue of Glaucus. Strandings telephone number update for turtles and seahorses scheduled
from the Vernal/Summer 1997 issue of Glaucus.
Sea Watch Foundation (UK Mammal Society Cetacean Group)
Enquiries should be sent
ot the Sea Watch Foundation.
Cod Stranding Network Training Manual
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