1990 Autumn, Winter. 2 issues.
(all sold out)
1991 Vernal, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
4 issues. (all sold out)
1992 Vernal, Summer, Autumn/Winter.
3 issues.
1993 Vernal, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
4 issues.
1994 Vernal, Summer, Autumn.
3 issues.
1995 Vernal, Summer/Autumn, Winter.
3 issues.
1996 Vernal/Summer, Autumn/Winter
(sold out) 2 issues.
1997 Vernal/Summer. 1 issue.
6 issues of the Shorewatch Newsletter.
1998 Vernal/Summer. 1 issue.
4 issues of the Shorewatch Newsletter.
1999 Vernal/Summer. 1 issue.
4 issues of the Shorewatch Newsletter so far.
ERROR LOG 1992-1997
Autumn/Winter 1992 Page 13: epilithic
is a much better term than hyperlithic.
Vernal 1993 Page 7: illustration
of the Mermaid's Purse is not how it would occur in the wild.
Vernal 1994 Page 3: cover page
photograph captions reversed.
Vernal 1994 Page 36: wrong page printed.
Corrected in Shorewatch Newsletter no. 6.
Vernal 1995 Report Cards on centre pages,
ACFOR, Occasional should read 2-10.
Summer/Autumn 1995 Page 5
Seashore Guide paragraph, North Devon should read North Cornwall.
Summer/Autumn 1995 Rear cover page.
Metrification measurements all wrong.
Wrong page was printed by mistake.
The correct figures are on the rear cover
of the Winter 1995 issue.
Summer/Autumn 1995 Page 30 & Winter
1995 Page 12: Humpback Whale illustration included instead
of a Sperm Whale in both issues. Corrected in Vernal/Summer 1997 issue
page 4.
Winter 1995 Wrong taxonomy boxes printed
throughout this issue of the journal by mistake. Phyla is plural, it should
read "phylum".
Vernal/Summer 1997 Page 13. Etymology
of 'shore' is not wrong but could be misleading. For a better explanation
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