December 2011
arrived late morning at Beeding Brooks which is not normally the best time
to see owls, but I had great views of a pair of Short-eared
Owls quartering the fields. One was chasing
it surprised me as it's more common to see Crows
mobbing owls! There was also a large flock of Fieldfares
with a few Redwings
among them.
December 2011
the gales of two days previously, the wind had receded to a steady Force
4 (Moderate Breeze) but there was still
an appreciable wind-chill and I did not stay to observe for long a very
plump and noisy Meadow Pipit
foraging on the edge of the Sea Purslane
as the high tide lapped against the shore in the
afternoon (approaching sunset) on the Adur
riverbank on the opposite side to Shoreham Airport.
pratensis, was identified from the
other pipits
but its distinctive brown speckled breast which was almost complete without
a white expanse. Because the conditions were far from ideal, it is conceivable
that this was a Rock Pipit,
petrosus, or Scandinavian Rock Pipit,
petrosus littoralis? It was
difficult to spot their legs through my binoculars as they were lost amongst
the vegetation. In the fading light a Cormorant
rested duck-like bobbing about on the surface of the nearly choppy estuary.
of Rock Pipits
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December 2011
Photograph:Willow Trees below Old Erringham. 2 December
November 2011
the deciduous trees
had now lost almost all of there leaves, the small birds were now more
noticeable at Cuckoo's Corner: a small chirm of Goldfinches,
Tits, Chaffinches and
November 2011
mushroom was seen amongst the grass next on the towpath a few metres north
of the Toll
Bridge, Old Shoreham. If the specimen
was in good condition (it was not) and not in a dog fouling zone, it could
have been one of the edible species, perhaps a Field
Mushroom, Agaricus campestris.
of Shoreham
November 2011
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5 November
was surprised to see a Kingfisher
arrow its flight north to south across the River
Adur on a lowish tide
(the mud flats were showing) by the the Riverside Business Centre (east
of the Surry Boatyard). It quickly disappeared behind the boats moored
against the pontoons on the south side of the estuary around midday.
2 October
crimson-brown medium-large moths
flew distinctly in three different locations, the first by the hedgerow
bordering the railway line in Dolphin Road, Shoreham,
the second on the cyclepath south of the Toll
Bridge, Old Shoreham. and the the third on on the Adur
Levels beneath Mill
Hill, in the pasture used as a car book sale location on summer Sundays.
I have identified these moths
as most probably the day-flying male Vapourer
Moth, Orgyia
antiqua, based on past experience,
but I have never been able to look at one of these moths
Moths (Vapourer Report)
1 October
frequent Greater Black-backed Gulls
on the estuary mud opposite Shoreham Airport
with other gulls. Three Turnstones
probed the mud at low tide
by Ropetackle.
9 September
in the afternoon 50+ Lapwings
were seen on the mud flats north of the Toll
Bridge, Old Shoreham. They were accompanied
by Starlings.
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Purslane, Halimione
portulacoides, is a small greyish-green
shrub abundantly found on the mud flats of the
Adur that are even covered twice daily
by the neap tides, but also nearer the high tide
margins. It is a halophyte,
with leaves with a silvery sheen, filled with air (not sap) and the leaves
are dead when the plant reaches maturity.
Halimione = Daughter of the Sea (Greek) |
2 September
the high spring tide the flooded River
Adur looked blue in the afternoon sunshine
(19.0 °C).
At least eighty House Martins
flew low over the river, a few times their beaks appeared to touch the
water surface as if taking a drink. It looked like it was a prelude to
emigration south to Africa.
On the Downs-Coastal Link Cyclepath two dragonflies hawked about rapidly. They looked more like Migrant Hawkers than Southern Hawkers but they would not keep still enough or in range for identification. Most of the Buddleia on the Downs-Coastal Link Cyclepath had already finished and none of the late flowers were proving an attraction for the late vanessid butterflies.
August 2011
emerald green Southern Hawker (dragonfly)
hawked to and fro long the Buddleia-lined
Downs-Coastal Link Cyclepath at Upper Beeding. It was an impressive insect
which I watched for a few minutes. It did seem inclined to settle in the
late afternoon. Later, a small flock of forty
graced the sky over the River
Adur at Old Shoreham as the neap tide
receded. On the steps of the Butterfly Copse
(near Frampton's Field) in Old Shoreham, a Hornet
Robber Fly was seen briefly as the shadows
August 2011
saw a scary caterpillar (Val spotted it first):
it puffed itself up and showed us a couple of threatening "eyes". We think
it was a Small Elephant Hawkmoth,
putting its life at risk by crossing the Downs-Coastal
Link Cyclepath, just north of the A27
Flyover. In the overcast conditions, there
were few butterflies
out despite it being warm the most interesting was a Common
Blue deep in Shoreham at the very start
of the Downslink path.
August 2011
first Grey Heron
seen for several months (perhaps longer) flew over the Sea
Purslane at a mid to low tide
on the River Adur
north of the A27
1 July
the sun shined intermittently through the clouds,
I spotted my first Gatekeeper
of the year on the cyclepath at Old Shoreham, followed by my first Small
Skipper (possibly an Essex
Skipper?) on the River
Adur eastern towpath at the same latitude
as Mill Hill (south of the upper car park),
and my first Blue-tailed Damselfly
of the year nearby.
Marbled White Butterflies were very frequent in the long grass by the towpath with at least 24 counted and there were probably over 60 present. Others on the towpath was another Gatekeeper, at least three Meadow Browns, at least three Large Whites, one worn Peacock Butterfly, an old Small Tortoiseshell, a Burnet Moth and a Carpet Moth.
& Moth Report
Butterflies: First Dates
Wild Flowers
June 2011
an overcast day, the sun shone briefly and the breeze was still a Force
5. The
Levels produced a Comma
Butterfly on the road to Old Erringham.
The Downs-Coastal Link Cyclepath added two confirmed Green-Veined
Whites, a Red
Admiral, two Small
Tortoiseshells and at least 13 Meadow
Burdock was beginning to flower
by the River Adur at
Upper Beeding. Pyramidal Orchids was
frequently seen on the verges of the cyclepath near the Cement Works.
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young Magpies
were squabbling on the branches of a large Hawthorn on the side of the
Downs-Coastal Link Cyclepath south of the Flyover.
As soon as I got my camera out they disappeared inside the bush. As I watched
I was surprised to see a female Sparrowhawk
fly and glide out of the same bush and then the noise died down. Later
the young Magpies
flew out of the Hawthorn one by one on to the nearby corrugated agricultural
shed. On the cyclepath verge a few metres north of the Toll
Bridge, I noted the tall parasitic plant known as Broomrape.
June 2011
Thistle was seen flowering
on the verges of the Steyning Road, north of the large roundabout. A pristine
Admiral was seen on an Elderflower
on the side of the Downs-Coastal Link Cyclepath north of the Toll
Bridge. It was the only butterfly
on an overcast day before the rain started. New
flowers observed for the first time this year included Mugwort,
Carrot, the prostrate Creeping
Cinquefoil, Fool's Watercress and
the diminutive Scarlet Pimpernel. There
was a Stickleback
darting into cover in the pool about half-way along towards the Cement
Works. There
were 25 Mute
Swans, seen on the narrow band of mud
at high neap tide on the River
Adur as it flows past Shoreham Airport.
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June 2011
The stretch of soil next to the gravel path by the Riverside Industrial Estate now had Common Poppies and Opium Poppies in flower with the previous selection of opportunist wild, arable and garden plants. 4 June
1 June
large bright blue dragonfly
cruised over the Ladywell's Stream by the Scout Hut, and although it was
prominent as it flew to and fro, it never got close enough for a positive
identification. I think it was probably a male Broad-bodied
Chaser, Libellula
although it looked longer. One pair of Azure
puella, flew
in a mating tandem over the stream and there were singles seen.
There were 23 Mute Swans, seen on a middle neap tide, near Cuckoo's Corner, four of them in the muddy inlet.
May 2011
breezy (Force 5
gusting to Force 7) and cool (14
°C) and not
conditions where any butterflies at all were
expected to be seen, but I was surprised by a very dark Speckled
Wood that landed on the sandy-coloured
cyclepath by the layby south of the Cement Works.
May 2011
wind died down and the blue sky was streaked with Cirrocumulus
clouds, making it practical to notice plants
in passing. Next to the Adur
towpath north of Ropetackle in Shoreham there was frequent Fumitory
and the alien Lacy Scorpion Weed, Phacelia
(identified by Colin Knight).
May 2011
I was about to make a mention of the scarcity of butterflies
a surprise Wall Brown Butterfly
visited an Ox-eye Daisy
on the Downs-Coastal
Link Cyclepath south of the Toll Bridge
where I do not think one has been recorded before. The only other butterfly
in the same area was a Large White.
9 May
quick detour along the Coombes Road in the weak sunshine saw a single male
flirting or sparring with a male Large
White and Green-veined
Whites, but no female Orange-tips.
All these three whites
visited Red Campion.
A Red Admiral
was quickly seen at Cuckoo's Corner.
Both the Orange-tip
and the Green-veined White
use Garlic Mustard
as a larval food plant.
Butterfly List 2011
4 May
first teneral Azure
puella, of the year, was seen on the
Alkanet and other vegetation on the verges
of the Waterworks
Road, Old Shoreham. Later a bright blue
was seen over the Ladywell's Stream,
near Cuckoo's Corner on the Coombes Road. And
it was on the small sea inlet at Cuckoo' Corner that 24 Mute
congregated with a further three
on the
River Adur nearby. I
thought this was an exceptional number of swans
in a small area. Nine species of butterfly
were seen around Shoreham and the outskirts.
small red beetle
Rhagonycha fulva (a Soldier Beetle,
of the year, was seen on Stinging Nettles on the opposite side of the road
to the Ladywell's House.
Butterfly Report
28 April 2011
Old Shoreham Cyclepath
cool, breezy and clear middle of the day, a
visit to the Waterworks Road
and then a trip up the western towpath to Cuckoo's Corner produced frequent
15+ Green-veined Whites,
12+ male Orange-tips,
one Large White,
Speckled Woods, two Peacocks,
occasional Holly Blues,
and one Red Admiral.
The streamside (east) stretch of the road between Ladywells
and Cuckoo's Corner was covered in Garlic
Mustard (main larval food plant of the Orange-tip)
but all the white-coloured butterflies were Green-veined
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Coombes Road, by the Ladywell's Stream
was a Large Red Damselfly
on the Garlic Mustard
and Red Campion
was now in flower in small patches.
A small shoal of Sticklebacks darted hither and zither in the Ladywell's
Stream by the Coombes Road (downstream of
the weir).
Butterfly List 2011
April 2011
a clear blue sky with only a whisper of cumulus
clouds in the east, eight
of the usual butterfly species
were seen in Old Shoreham. But these included the immediate appearance
of two sparring female Orange-tips
over the Waterworks Road,
Old Shoreham. These females are only seen occasionally on a few days each
year. Common Vetch
was abundant on the edges of the Downs-Coastal Link Cyclepath in Old Shoreham
with the first Ox-eye Daisies
appearing in flower. The predatory small Dance
Fly, Empis
tessellata was seen with its
prey of a smaller fly.
Butterfly Report
April 2011
courted over Old Erringham in the sunshine. At ground level, the distinctive
Rhingia campestris was seen visiting
Alkanet on the Waterworks
Road for the first time this year.
Sewer, the water was disturbed by the gyrations
Whirligig Beetles
and the lightweight Water Skaters
skimming across the surface. My first damselfly
of the year was spotted over the road entrance to Old Erringham from the
Steyning Road. It was almost certainly a dark teneral Large
Red Damselfly. The local streams and drainage
ditches were running clear enough for me to see a Stickleback
dart into cover. Swathes of flowering
Cow Parsley were noted for the first time
between Botolphs and the South Downs Way Bridge across the River
Adur. Two House Martins
chased each over in low level flights over the fields north-west of the
Cement Works. A Peacock
Butterfly, Orange-tips,
a Comma,
Whites and a single Holly
Butterfly were all seen on the Adur Levels.
9 April
first butterfly of the afternoon was a Peacock
flying over the River Adur
seen from the western towpath north of the A27
Flyover, followed by three Small
Tortoiseshells over the nettle patch south
of Cuckoo's Corner. A new Speckled
Wood was seen at Cuckoo's Corner. My first
male Orange-tip Butterfly
of the year flew by Ladywell's Stream
as it runs parallel with the Coombes Road north of Cuckoo's Corner. On
my second return visit to Cuckoo's Corner there was another male Orange-tip
and a Green-veined White.
There was a few plants of Garlic Mustard
(the larval food plant of the Orange-tip)
at Cuckoo's Corner on the verges of the Coombes Road, but they were not
so prevalent as I have known in previous years. There were still at least
a hundred Common Gulls
on the river mud flats
at low tide with a few Greater
Black-backed Gulls.
Butterfly List 2011
2 April
a single Oystercatcher and
two immature Herring Gulls
graced the expanse of mud flats north of the Toll
Bridge on a low neap tide.
March 2011
the low spring tide north of the Toll
Bridge in Old Shoreham, a single Herring
Gull perched on the large expanse of mud.
This means that the Lapwings
must have flown to their inland breeding areas*. On the mud bank on the
opposite side of the Airport, there were a hundred plus gulls, mostly Herring
Gulls and a lesser number of Greater
Black-backed Gulls, but no
Common Gulls were seen in a quick binocular
Sussex Birds (the book) says that the numbers drop rapidly from mid-February
on the winter wetlands to breed on the downs including amongst the spring
cereal crops.
March 2011
was my second butterfly sighting of the year
but I suspect that the Peacock Butterfly
at the footpath entrance to the Waterworks
Road by the Steyning Road was the same
one seen two days ago. A minute later a Comma
Butterfly was seen at rest on the verge
of the Waterworks Road.
Butterfly List 2011
Butterfly Flight Times
March 2011
spell of brief sunshine brought a hibernation Peacock
Butterfly, flighty and in good condition,
my first butterfly of the year visiting Sweet
Violets on the verges of the Waterworks
Road, Old Shoreham.
Butterflies: First Dates
17 March 2011
Seal, Phoca vitulina,
ventured up the River Adur as far as just north
of Cuckoo's Corner and rested on a sandbank. This unusual sighting occurred
in 2009
(in October) as well.
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![]() Hundreds of the smaller gulls (Black-headed and Common Gulls) rose in unison from the mud of the River Adur at low tide on the first bend of the river north of the Toll Bridge in Old Shoreham. This usually means they have been spooked by a hawk. To the north a Kestrel was mobbed by a juvenile Herring Gull. Five Redshanks were seen squabbling and not so quick to sound their raucous alarm as solitary birds.
February 2011
the low-lying pasture to the west (below) Mill
Hill, two hundred or more Common Gulls
were resting. The Adur Levels were
as sodden as I had ever seen them with pools of water underneath the hedgerows
each side of the Downs Link Cyclepath north of Old Shoreham. Mole
hills were frequently seen on the edge
of pastoral fields. Robin Redbreasts
and Blue Tits
were also frequent amongst the bare branches as I cycled along. The cyclepath
was so muddy that I returned by the country road by Botolphs where I noted
my first clumps of Snowdrops
in the churchyard. They were also in flower
by the road at Coombes.
February 2011
the early afternoon, a spell of weak sunshine for two hours was easily
the most so far this year. North of the Toll
Bridge in Old Shoreham, a thousand plus Common
Gulls (with green legs) mixed with hundreds
of Lapwings
and frequent Black-backed Gulls.
A single Redshank
probed the tideline. South of the Toll Bridge,
a few Black-headed Gulls
(with red legs) waded over the mud on the airport
side of the River Adur. Underneath
the Railway
Viaduct the first yellow flowers
of a Coltsfoot
plant were seen on the eastern side. Looking
over the exposed mussel beds from Ropetackle,
two Oystercatchers
through the shallow water exposed by the receding tide.
8 February
the first glimpse of sunshine, but the only wildlife
of note were the common hedgerow birds, gulls
and waders. At
least one Redshank
probed the mud at the tide line.
January 2011
steady flight of a Kestrel
towards the west parallel to Old Shoreham Toll
Bridge was my first bird of prey seen in 2011.
small flock of twenty Dunlins
took flight from the small amount of mud north of the Railway
Viaduct. A
couple of Little Grebes
were seen diving under a mid-tide River Adur just
south of the inlet by Cuckoo's Corner. At least one Redshank
probed the mud at the tide line and two couples of Turnstones
flew rapidly low over the river squawking an alarm.