Miller's Stream on 1 February 2006 Wildlife Reports 25
April 2006
There were also a handful of small isolated mushrooms and a clump of them as well. It was one of those small species that I cannot identify. The dominant vegetation (30% ground coverage) was the young growth of Stinging Nettles. There were few unidentified mammal droppings. 1 February
15 December 2005 A large mechanical machine has now cut down the vegetation and its tyre tracks could be seen on the reed strewn muddy bank next to the flooded stream.
for three Grey Herons
that flew off on my approach there was nothing of special interest. It
is debatable what food source attracted them to the stream if they were
not just resting or considering breeding habitats. The stream which nearly
dried out in the summer does not appear to provide a home for fish, but
the Common Frog is known from spawn and tadpoles.
Spring Dyke 2004 Wildlife Reports Adur
Nature Notes 2005: Index Page