MILL HILLVetch Trail (Lower Slopes) : Shoreham Bank
45° ungrazed unimproved slope with an extensive Horseshoe Vetch in May and herbs and grasses below 40 mm in height

Wild Plant Study:  Large Colonisers of Bare Patches
12 September 2005

Flower of the Great Mullein, Verbascum thapsus 

10 October 2004

This one has not got a name for it, yet. It was photographed over the lower slopes, occasional on land that has been slightly disturbed, by rabbits, human trampling or conservation workers.

September 2004
What plant is this?

Another coloniser in the bare patches created by clearing the land of scrub on the ridge (i.e. above the lower slopes)

The silvery grey leaves are of the Great Mullein, Verbascum thapsus

What plant is this?

An early coloniser, in bare patches near Rabbit warrens and occasionally in bare patches on the lower slopes as well.

Hound's-tongue, Cynoglossum officinale


At least twenty of these plants were discovered in bare patches. Only about a dozen were complete. In the other cases there were only one or two leaves, the plant was overgrown by other species including Brambles. Most were on the lower slopes, the rest in  bare patches on the ridge and in short sward on the upper slopes (not often).

This plant was discoverd in the shade (in the scrub in the north-west of Mill Hill Nature Reserve near the steps).
In the shade of the Hawthorn scrub (north-west)

Is this a Plantain? 

Great Mullein  29 June 2004

Great Mullein 
on the Coastal Link Cyclepath