just after World War II
Information about the town has hardly started. Try again in year 2003. Sorry. The development of a Southwick web page is the prerogative of Southwick residents. If you have a page, please advise and I can put in a link from this page. The photograph above is dated about 1948.
Sudewic 1073 Suwic 1231 Toponymy
Fiskergate 1188 (now part of Southwick)
Michael's Church
The church dates backed to Saxon times, but the slate roof is post World War II as a German bomb went through the roof (the church is near Shoreham harbour). During Roman times Southwick (Sudewic) was the most important place in the region until superseded by Lancing when the Saxons arrived and finally superseded by Shoreham after the Norman conquest. Brighton did not emerge as the premier town in Sussex until the 18th century. Albion Street
of Southwick