Wrasse (British Seas)
by Dr
Amanda Young
© Andy Horton, unless stated
Whilst the British coastline
has estuaries and extensive areas of sandy shore with embayments and estuaries
where soft sediments accumulate, the remaining coastline is predominately
rocky. Here, the firm surfaces, nutrient rich water and good illumination
provide an ideal environment for a diversity of sessile organisms. They,
in turn, are grazed and predated upon by fish and other animals. It is
in these rich sublittoral habitats that some of the world's 600 species
of wrasse (family: Labridae) are commonly found.
British Species
Along the north European
coast, seven * species of wrasse are found, and of these four are common
in British waters. They all have a similar silhouette. They are laterally
compressed, covered in large scales and have one dorsal fin which runs
almost the entire length of the elongated body. Two of them, the Goldsinny
and the Corkwing. are small growing at most to 15 cm. In comparison, the
Cuckoo and Ballan Wrasse may grow to 35 cm and 51 cm respectively.
Corkwing Wrasse
The most memorable thing
about wrasse is undoubtedly their brilliant coloration. They may never
display the startling colours of their cousins the tropical Cleaner fish,
but they are eye-catching.
rupestris, are brown to orange-red, with a dark spot on both the
head end of the dorsal fin and in front of the upper margin of the tail
melops (=Crenilabrus), are usually a mottled olive colour
but may have blue and/or orange lines under their head and belly in addition
to a large spot just before the tail fin. Ballan
Labrus bergylta, are
also predominately shades of olive green/brown and again this can be overlaid
with a dappling of red and white spots.
Cuckoo Wrasse
by Jim Anderson
Of the four, it is without
question the Cuckoo Wrasse,
mixtus, which is the most colourful. Both the young and
the breeding females are orange to red in colour and each has three dark
spots towards the end of the dorsal fin. In contrast, the male has a vivid
blue head which is overlaid with a mosaic of dark purple lines. The rest
of the body is bright yellow or orange and the tail is edged with a wide
band of similar royal blue to that of the head.
All wrasse have thick protruding
lips, and there are strong teeth, both in the jaws (for biting and rasping)
and on the pharyngeal
bones in the throat (for gripping and crushing). With these teeth they
are able to enjoy a mixed menu of shelled animals including barnacles,
other crustaceans, and molluscs.
Cuckoo Wrasse
Many species of marine fish
can at times be plagued by sea lice. Farmed salmon are particularly susceptible
to being parasitised by Lepeophtheirus
salmonis in the crowded conditions of the cages. To kill
the lice the salmon have been exposed to a chemical called 'Nuvan' which
is added to the seawater in the cages. However, this chemical is unselective
and can kill, or have an adverse impact on crustaceans and a number of
other types of marine animals that can be found in the vicinity. Study
has shown that Goldsinny are particularly fond of sea lice, and a number
of salmon farms are experimenting with these wrasse to see whether this
small fish can keep the lice under control. This has meant that these wrasse
are caught in increasing numbers and can command a modest price, whereas
previously they were thought valueless because they are inedible.
Wrasse are unusual in that
they they are one of the few fish that are able to change sex during their
life. In both the Ballan and the Cuckoo Wrasse, the complex behaviour starts
when the fish are about six years old. In any one stretch of coastline
their will be a single dominant male and if he dies the next most senior
female undergoes a sex change and becomes the next 'top' male! In spring,
when courtship starts, the already colourful male Cuckoo Wrasse becomes
even brighter so as to attract as many females as possible.
Breeding behaviour is similar
in most wrasse. An exception is the Goldsinny which spawns in moderately
deep water, with pelagic larvae. These breeding habits mean that they have
not, as yet, bred in captivity.
Other wrasse have a ritual
courtship in which the male prepares a nest. This may be a collection of
small stones, weed, or simply an area of rock. First, he cleans the stones
with his teeth; then he binds them together with seaweeds and mucus. Once
the nest is ready, he will entice a female to lay her eggs for him to fertilize.
He will then guard and fan the eggs until they grow, hatch, and are dispersed
within the upper reaches of the sea, where there is an ample supply of
planktonic food.
Wrasse are slow growing and
long lived (up to 20 years). Their longevity is also helped by being considered
inedible by the British, although the French consider these fish to be
an essential ingredient in bouillabaisse. They are caught by anglers, but
are usually returned to the sea.
Indeed, as many an observant
diver will testify, when left to their own devices they frequently settle
down, leaning a little to one side, to sleep peacefully amongst the rocks.
Cook, or Small-mouthed Wrasse (photo Ron Barrett)
* Five species have been
confirmed as breeding in British seas. The other species is the Rock
Cook, Centrolabrus exoletus, which is a suitable aquarium fish.
Stella Turk (Cornwall) has
reported two instances of the Mediterranean
Rainbow Wrasse, Coris
julis, off the Cornish coast.
In the 19th century there
is also one record of the northern Scale-rayed Wrasse, Acantholabrus
palloni. An excellent photograph of this fish can be found on the Norwegian
web site:
July 2019
very first BMLSS record of the Scale-rayed
Wrasse, Acantholabrus
palloni, was video-photographed
off the Isles of Scilly. Its prevalence in
British seas is not known because of too few reports.
Society article of records of the Scale-rayed
(by Mike Markey)14
December 2012

south-east storm threw up at least six species of fish into the boat noust
at Frustigarth
on the east side of Shapinsay
in the Orkney Islands.
There were at least 30 fish of various sizes. Species identified were Tadpole
Fish, Ling,
young Cod, Saithe, and both Cuckoo
and Ballan Wrasse.
Similar wrecks occurred on other coasts.
and comments by Paul
Hollindrake on Snorkel
wrasse have thick protruding lips, and there are strong teeth, both in
the jaws (for biting and rasping) and on the pharyngeal
bones in the throat (for gripping and crushing). With these teeth they
are able to enjoy a mixed menu of shelled animals including barnacles,
other crustaceans, and molluscs.
Marine ***
These web pages are recommended.
Biomar Photographs:
| ras | n. Pl. -s, same. L17. [Corn. wrah f. MCorn. gwrah
= Welsh gwrach lit. 'old woman, hag'. Cf. OLD WIFE 2(a).] Any of
numerous perciform marine fishes of the family Labridae, esp. the genus
which have a single long dorsal fin of which the anterior part is spiny,
are frequently brightly coloured, and are common inshore fishes in all
temperate and tropical seas. Usu. w. specifying wd.
wrasse, cuckoo wrasse, Maori wrasse, rainbow wrasse, red wrasse, etc
from The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia
by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties Inc.
Fish Page (BMLSS)
Anderson's Scottish nudibranch pages
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