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Seven members of the public turned up in Lyme Regis, Dorset, for the
event at Broad Ledge on the receding
neap tide. The low water was at 14.30. (to include date, 1995)
Broad Ledge is the area below Church Cliff just east of the Lyme Regis coastal defence scheme sea wall. Dipping shale and limestone ledges make up the lower shore, some sands and silts cover the ledges and the larger pools are often silty. Rolled boulders are also to be found scattered over the ledges and in the pools; the area is exposed and not very weedy. The best method of finding anything interesting is to turn over the boulders, being careful to return them to their original positions.
A single Milky Ark Shell, Striarca lactea, was an unexpected find for this area.
Worms and Crustaceans
Numerous worms were noted include ragworms and keelworms
on pebbles and dead shells, the Sand Mason Lanice conchilega, the
worm Owenia fusiformis in the silty pools, and the small coiled
Spirorbis borealis on the Saw Wrack Fucus serratus. Scale
worms Hermione hystrix were noted on the underside of boulders on
the lower shore.
Galathea squamifera
Crustaceans were numerous. A Shore Crab, Carcinus maenas, hosted the parasitic barnacle Sacculina carcini, but there were many of these crabs not infected, as well as Edible Crabs Cancer pagurus, Velvet Swimming Crabs Necora puber (=Liocarcinus), Hairy Crabs Pilumnus hirtellus, Broad-clawed Porcelain Crab Porcellana platycheles, and Squat Lobsters Galathea sp. not identified to species level.
Echinoderms to Fish
Sea urchins and brittlestars seemed to be lacking on this trip. We found a single Shore (Green or Purple-tipped) Urchin Psammechinus miliaris when we normally expect to find more.
The beautiful Star Ascidian Botryllus schlosseri were numerous on the underside of boulders where the European Cowries were also to be discovered.
A Worm Pipefish, Nerophis lumbriciformis was found in a weedy pool. This, along with a small Edible Crab, a small Velvet Swimming Crab, a Shore Urchin, two Hairy Crabs, and a couple of small Blennies, Lipophrys pholis, were transferred to the new marine display tank at the Charmouth Heritage Coast centre and are faring well.
East Beach Rockpooling, Lyme Regis
Articles are wanted on all aspects of marine wildlife, ecology, observations in the wild from divers and rockpoolers, aquarium study, seabirds, seashore rambles, visits to public aquaria and general experiences. A Guide to Submissions is available on request. Please write to Glaucus House. The full address is on page 2.
Articles on Beadlet Anemones, Starfish, Aquaria hints and techniques, Sea-horses, Sunfish and other rarities, more Book Reviews, Rockpooling, Whales and Dolphins, more about Hermit Crabs and Reproduction in Sea Anemones are all expected in the near future.
Some of these articles have been promised before, but have been postponed for further research and reports and to check up on some of the facts.