Occupation: Writer & Photographer, Small Publisher.
Publications: Articles in Aquarist and Pondkeeper, Practical Fishkeeping, Amateur Photographer, Countryside, Fishkeeping Answers, Aquarium, Marine Aquarium Journal, Marine Conservation Society Journal, and others.
Television Appearances: Animal Country (Meridian ITV), Southern News.
Radio Appearances: Radio 5 (followed Tony Blair), Radio Sussex (now Southern Counties).
Consultancy/Images for: Alan Titchmarch's Four Seasons TV series, Collins Complete Guide to British Coastal Wildlife,Field magazine, Edible Seashore (River Cottage Handbook No. 5).
Marital status: Single
Dependants: None
Age: 40+
Music: Folk Music, Bob Dylan, some Blues and Rock, some Classical.
Drinks: Draught (non-keg) Cider, Calvados, Red Wine.
Food: Duck, Venison, Cheeses, Indian, Hummus, Seafood (fresh only: prawns, scallops, Haddock, Sole, Halibut), etc.
Favourite writers (Fiction):
John Steinbeck, Aldous Huxley, Albert Camus, William Blake.
Writers for style rather
than content: Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming, J R Tolkien, Clark Ashton-Smith
Library Link (Books for the Real World)
Computer: Medion Pentium replacing a Dell Pentium II replacing a Cyrix 166, replacing a Pentium 60 (repaired, second motherboard and chip), replacing a 486 (replacing a Pentium 60 upgraded from a 386SX, in turn replacing a IBM XT and a before that an Amstrad PCW). Also a now redundant Pentium I (166) as a back-up machine. The 486 has now been given to a student.
Education: Self-taught.
Wildlife, Marine Aquaria, Creative Writing, Traditional Pubs, Football,
Local History, Photography, Strategy Board and Computer Games (including
Civil Rights, Democracy, Environment & Planning Issues.
Dislikes: Dogmatism, Reggae, American Football, Television Game Shows, Stodgy Food (e.g. suet), Freudians, Fizzy Drinks (e.g. Coca-cola, Keg Beer), Jerry Springer-type Chat Shows.
Food Dislikes: Chewing
gum, beetroot, toffee, suet and dumplings, Bread & Butter pudding,
Spotted Dick.