Electronic News Service ISSN 1464-8156 'It is difficult when watching the little beasts, not to trace human parallels. The greatest danger to a speculative biologist is an analogy. It is a pitfall to be avoided - the industry of a bee, the villainy of a snake .' (John Steinbeck, The Log from the Sea of Cortez, Chapter 11). If you receive this Bulletin direct from the British Marine Life Study Society it will contain only *.htm *.gif & *.jpg files. It will not contain Active-X or Java Applets. DIARY In chronological order, the most recent events are at the top of the page. Events open to the public, free or for a nominal charge only are included. Most Seminars need to be booked in advance 1999 14 January 1998 (Thursday) Irish
Sea Forum
at The Senate Room, University of Liverpool Tel:
0151 794 4089
19 January 1999 Integrated
Coastal Management Information & Management
20/21 January 1999 (Wednesday, Thursday) Coastal
Management & Sustainability Conference
of London, Russell Square, London.
Devon Wildlife Trust Wembury
Bay Rockpool Rambles
from Devon Wildlife Trust Tel: 01392 279244.
Reports of marine wildlife from all around the British Isles, with pollution incidents and conservation initiatives as they affect the flora and fauna of the NE Atlantic Ocean. 31 October 1998
Plymouth: National Aquarium Link to Official Site September 1998 Blue Spiny Spider Crab, Maja squinado, crab caught off Jersey. It's now living happily in a friend's aquarium. It's 95 mm across the carapace and is a habitat in it's own right with two species of anemone, sea mat, at least two species of sponges as well as the barnacles living on it's carapace. The size of the barnacles seem to indicate that it hasn't shed it's shell for some time. Another oddity is that it has both male and female characteristics and is what local fishermen charmingly refer to as a 'puffter'! This crab is usually orange-brown
all over. Spider
Crab Mounds.
A bright blue specimen of the Velvet Swimming Crab, Necora puber, was collected by a diver at Thatcher's Rock, Torbay, Devon in the spring of 1998. Also a bright red specimen of this swimming crab was collected by Jon Makeham from the shore at Looe in October 1998. We also had another Seahorse bought up on a lobster pot - the usual species Hippocampus hippocampus but this time a male. He has gone to the Seahorse Centre now at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth to join the three females from Jersey who went there in February. Fingers crossed for the patter of tiny prehensile tails. (Report and photograph by Sue Daly
I just love that, Here's another story I have been brought up with from
a youngster regarding puffters, or strangers as they are more generally
Never forget, these are genuine "fishermans tales" from Bob Alexander
Top of the Page FORUM The Marine Life Forum is for observations and discussion items. The information of interest of other readers should be EMailed to: EMail Glaucus@hotmail.com and marked "Forum" in the title of the message.
Examples: I've been picking up dead Triggerfish,
capriscus, up off the beach in Cornwall since
1991. I keep records of every fish I find, and I take most of them home
with me, either to eat (they are always fresh) or to hang up to dry, their
skin goes hard and leathery and they make good ornaments (outside). They
wash in after Christmas when the sea temperature has dropped, in significant
numbers (the most I found was 55 on Constantine Bay). My theory is that
they can't take the drop in sea temperature, although they always wash
in after! a storm and ground sea, so perhaps its the rough weather they
find difficult? By the way, they are also a common by-catch in lobster
pots during the summer months.
Nick Darke
Requests for Information: Stalked Jellyfish (British species) by Jon Makeham
Do you have any reliable information as to the usual diet of the CornishSucker Lepadogaster lepadogaster ? Thanks Ben Totterdell
In favour of the little fishes of the sea. Christmas Book List. The West Briton weekly newspaper, environmental column by Richard
BOOK REVIEWS The Christmas Book List for 1998 can be found in the December 1998 Aquarist & Pondkeeper magazine available in all good newsagents. The "Christmas Book
List" is a "members only" electronic service,
although the Booklist will be uploaded to the web site in January 1999.
Reviews by Andy Horton
A New Series as part of the TORPEDO initiative is now planned for 1999. This will feature a selected species of fish, crab, molluscs, sea anemone or some other invertebrate every month. If you wish to receive this service please indicate. Torpedo EMail: Glaucus@hotmail.com Originally, this service was planned for 1998. Try the following web pages:
Featured Species Trial DataBase: Common
Goby, Pomatoschistus microps
PHOTOGRAPHS The BMLSS will be presenting the Annual Photographic Exhibition to celebrate WORLD OCEANS DAY in July 1999. Print photographs should be sent in to Glaucus
House from April 1999. They could also be used on the BMLSS web sites.
The British
Marine Life Study Society Web Site has been included as an Encylopaedia
Britannica Recommended Site and included on the BBC On-line Internet Guide.
Some of the images may not display if you have changed your directory for downloaded files. Torpedo compiled by Andy
26 November 1998