Adur Torpedo This
is the first published Electronic Newspaper for
9 January 2000 : Volume 2 Issue 2 News Wildlife Reports Shoreham-by-Sea has arguably got more wild plants than any other area of comparable size in Sussex. This is because of the different types of habitats. Betty Bishop has published (several years ago) a small duplicated pamphlet with the full list, indexed by the generic scientific names. Sedum acre Biting Stonecrop at Widewater Lagoon The Shoreham & District Ornithological Society also have produced excellent publications of the birds of Shoreham-by-Sea and the surrounding area. Erika Oil Disaster The
British Marine Life Study Society have some web pages on Oil Pollution
at sea:
Poetry Extract When that which is divine
in us doth try
Words of the Month sward | swd
| n. & v. [OE sweard (beside swearp: see SWARTH n.1),
corresp. to OFris., MLG, MDu. swarde hairy skin, MHG swarte (G Schwarte
bacon rind, crust), ON svordr skin (of the head), walrus hide: ult.
origin unkn.] A n. 1 The skin of the body; esp. (now dial.) the rind of
pork or bacon. OE. 2 The surface or upper layer of soil usu. covered
with grass or other herbage; a stretch of grassy turf. Orig. chiefly in
sward of the earth, sward of the ground, etc. LME.
endemic | endemk | n. & a. M17. [Fr. endemique or mod.L endemicus, f. Gk endem(i)os, pertaining to a people, native, f. as EN-2 + demos people: see -IC.] A n. 1 An endemic disease. M17. 2 An endemic plant or animal. M20. B adj. 1 (Of a disease, condition,
etc.) habitually present in a certain area as a result of permanent local
factors; of common occurrence; rife. E18. 2 Of a plant or animal: native
to, and esp. restricted to, a certain country or area. M19.
Computer Tips Using
Internet Explorer 5 as your Internet browser, you may come across pages,
notably the Torpedo Bulletins that cannot be printed without cutting off
some of the text from the page.
In some versions of Microsoft Outlook Express, the Torpedo Bulletins in your default browser (usually Internet Explorer 5) do not automatically display with the photographs included.. The remedy is to click on the attachments for a better view if you encounter this anomaly.
Historical Snippets 1295 Shoreham was made a Borough. In 1296, 90 taxpayers resided in the town. New Schoreham was also known as Hulkesmouth after the ships known as HULCS that were the main trading vessels in European seas during Medieval times. Salt, beans, corn and woollen goods are likely to have been important exports at this time. With the British population and agriculture expanding, Shoreham enjoyed prosperous times. The writing includes the name Hulkesmouth. The pattern design depicts a stylist representation of a hulc.
Web Sites Shoreham Lifeboat Station Shoreham Airport Society Shoreham Rowing Club Shoreham Sailing Club at Truleigh Hill bySqn Ldr T Howard ToonBA CertEd MBCS CISP RAFVR(T) Taking the lead with Gill Minter (for Dog Lovers) FAMILY
David Lewis Havergal
Brian Society http://www.musicweb.force9.co.uk/music/brian
Free Advertisements SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY For any company or organisation wanting nationwide green publicity, there is an opportunity to sponsor the journal "Glaucus" of the British Marine Life Study Society. There remains sponsorship opportunities on the BMLSS (England) web site and other publications, including Torpedo. Sponsorship is also available for the Adur Electronic News Bulletin and the Shoreham-by-Sea web pages (which preceded the Adur Resource Centre web site), which would be more suitable for a local firm(s). Web Site Design Services are available from Hulkesmouth Publishing. Normal advertisement rules
Adur Torpedo was written, designed and distributed by Andy Horton. NB: Because I had the
flu when I compiled the Millennium issue of the Adur News Bulletin, several
spelling mistakes and omissions crept in.
Links to earlier issues (for subscribers who have downloaded the Bulletins only, and web site visitors). Issue