Shoreham-by-Sea and District, West Sussex, England November 1999 : Volume 1 Issue 4a
Labour party announced at the Bournemouth Conference that the South Downs
are to become a National Park. All the Councils in Sussex except
proposers Brighton Council are opposed. The FOE are actively in favour
and groups like the National Trust and the Society of Sussex Downsmen have
expressed their support. The Sussex Conservation Board, which would be
replaced, are opposed. A few working environmentalists I have met said
that it would not make much difference, except that:
The Shoreham Herald has invited comments from its readers in a full page display. The
current Sussex Conservation Board annual budget (1998-99) amounts to
Spruce (Liberal Democratic, Peverel ward, Sompting) is the Adur Councillor
representative on the South Downs Conservation Board.
Wildlife Reports ![]() 29
October 1999
October 1999
was about to move on to see if I could catch a glimpse of the Kingfisher
upriver, when I noticed the first mud flats appearing as the tide rapidly
receded. Gulls, Black-headed and immature Great Black-backed
Gulls, were already settling down, and amongst the whites and greys,
one bird stood out because of its activity. Even without binoculars, I
could see clearly the fishing behaviour of the Little Egret. Unlike
the Heron which perches actually in the water, the Little Egret stood on
the mud and stretched out its long neck to capture a first year Bass. At
least one fish, it needed to adjust in its beak before swallowing. As the
mud appeared the Lapwings
settled in flocks of hundreds and the
squawk of the Redshank, foraging even nearer the bank acted as sentinel.
Upriver between the Toll Bridge and the Flyover, another Little Egret was
on the look out for fish and a large Cormorant almost invisible
against the steep marsh clay bank dived into
the river on its quest for fish.
rested on the mud outcrop,
shared with assorted gulls, in the middle of the Adur adjacent to
Ricardo Engineering, just north of the Toll Bridge.
October 1999
The shingle on the beach was hurled around by the power of the waves, burying the Spear-leaved Orache, Atriplex hastata, the ground-hugging plant nearest to the sea. (David Wood). 21
October 1999
September 1999
Birdwatchers will be protesting
on a French nature reserve against the shooting of birds - many of
which migrate to Britain.
An online petition against the hunting is at
Word of the Month *
| pt | v. ME. [Origin unkn.] 1 v.t. a Dry by exposure to
heat; spec. (a)roast (corn, peas, etc.) lightly; (b)(of the sun's heat,
of fever or thirst) deprive of water, cause to be in need of water. Also
in pass., have an extreme thirst (for); long for on account of thirst.
ME. b transf. Dry, shrivel, or wither with cold. Chiefly poet. L16.
2 v.i. Become (very) dry and hot; shrivel up with heat. M16.
November 1999: Computer Shopper has the Oxford Reference Shelf (not the above reference). The standard dictionary is the Pocket Oxford (smaller than the Shorter Oxford*). The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia* (containing the Shorter Oxford Dictionary) is now available with the first issue of Computer Success Plus (in newsagents) at £1.99.
Historical Snippets Santonian Age (87.5 to 84 million years ago). The age's name derives from the town of Saintes in western France, the area surrounding is the classic type district for rocks of this age. I have deduced from the fossils I have discovered on the shore, notably:
History of Shoreham-by-Sea
Web Sites Shoreham Lifeboat Station Shoreham Airport Society Shoreham Rowing Club Shoreham Sailing Club at Truleigh Hill bySqn Ldr T Howard ToonBA CertEd MBCS CISP RAFVR(T) Taking the lead with Gill Minter (for Dog Lovers) FAMILY
David Lewis Havergal
Brian Society
any company or organisation wanting nationwide green publicity, there is
an opportunity to sponsor the journal "Glaucus"
of the British Marine Life Study Society.
Sponsorship is also available for the Adur Electronic News Bulletin and the Shoreham-by-Sea web pages (which preceded the Adur Resource Centre web site), which would be more suitable for a local firm(s). Web Site Design Services are available from Hulkesmouth Publishing. Normal advertisement rules
Adur Torpedo was written, designed and distributed by Andy Horton. Links to earlier issues (for subscribers who have downloaded the Bulletins only, and web site visitors). Issue