Adur Torpedo This is the first published Electronic Newspaper for Shoreham-by-Sea and District, West Sussex, England September 1999 : Volume 1 Issue 2
September 1999 (Sat/Sun)
August - 30 September 1999
Early biplane taking off from Worthing Beach c. 1911 Photographic Exhibition at the Marlipins Museum
Wildlife Reports Verdant Mud 1999 In
the prolonged hot and dry spell for the complete month of July, the mud
flats on the part of the River Adur that runs through the centre of Shoreham-by-Sea,
West Sussex, turned green with a rapid spread of the salt tolerant green
plant known as the Common Glasswort,
Salicornia europea.
This plant is collected for food when it is known as Marsh Samphire, and
is meant to be a poor man's asparargus. It tastes like a mouthful of seawater
to me. The plant roots in the estuarine mud in salinities
of about 3.2% but variable from full salinity with an incoming spring tide,
to fresh water running out over the top of the sea water.
Nearer the riverbank, Sea Purslane, Halimione portulacoides, predominates. It is easily distinguished from Glasswort because its conventional leaves have a silvery sheen.
Historical Snippets
1938 Passenger air services
in operation from Shoreham Airport to Jersey, Birmingham and Liverpool.
The railway station serving the airport was originally called Bungalow
Town Halt (opened 1910), but renamed Shoreham Airport Station (in 1935),
the first station to serve an airport in England, in 1930.
Web Sites Shoreham Lifeboat Station Shoreham Airport Society Shoreham Rowing Club Shoreham Sailing Club at Truleigh Hill bySqn Ldr T Howard ToonBA CertEd MBCS CISP RAFVR(T) Taking the lead with Gill Minter (for Dog Lovers) FAMILY
David Lewis NEW Havergal
Brian Society http://www.musicweb.force9.co.uk/music/brian
BRIAN (b. Jan. 29, 1876, Dresden, Staffordshire, Eng.--d. Nov. 28, 1972,
Computers If you want to get some spare change for redundant computer parts. Subscribers only service (free). Information hosted by Andy
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