Wildlife Reports Click on the text or buttons above for the detailed reports Most
of the downs are agriculture and have been for centuries. The links above
go to the best wildlife sites.
July 2008
*This is yet another one of those dreaded escaped large falcons, having what appears to be Peregrine and Lanner Falcon in its parentage (although I cannot completely rule out a North African Lanner). The patterning of its feathers suggest a juvenile. Comparison Image on flickrA trip
across the downs north of Shoreham yielded
200 butterflies
of 14 species, with special note of six Wall
Browns at six different
locations and the first two male Chalkhill
Blues on the upper meadow of Mill
Hill which was dominated by Peacock
Butterflies. My journey took me from Slonk
Hill Farm to Mossy Bottom where I saw my first Painted
Lady of the year.
Adur Nature Notes 2007: Index Page