
What is a Reptile?
(for the layman, not the scientist)

An air breathing, vertebrate animal without hair or feathers, the body usually covered with a scaly impermeable (dry and scaly) skin. Reptiles are cold-blooded which means they get their heat from the outside environment and are torpid in cold weather (in contrast to the warm-blooded mammals and birds, and like the amphibians from which they evolved).

A key feature of reptiles and their descendants is the amniotic "closed egg" shared by mammals and birds, but not by amphibians. (Most mammals have since lost  the shell retaining the infant in the body. Mammals also have the mammary gland for feeding their young milk.)

In some lizards and snakes and in some extinct reptiles (e.g., ichthyosaurs) the eggs are retained in the oviducts of the mother, sometimes with a placental connection, and the young are born alive. There are about 6,000 living species of reptiles.

Sourced partly from Encyclopaedia Britannica.

         Marine Turtles
Leatherback Turtle

To improve communication among individuals around the world who are interested in sea turtle biology and conservation, the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research at the University of Florida has established CTURTLE
-- a LISTSERV managed email network on the Internet.
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Information from Vince Smith's One-List/Cornish Wildlife
Send a message to the list at:

One good review of debris impact on any marine critter is:

Laist, D.W. 1997.  Impacts of marine debris: entanglement of marine life in marine debris including a comprehensive list of species with entanglement and ingestion records. In "Marine Debris: Sources, Impacts and Solutions".
(J.M. Coe and D.B. Rogers, eds)  Springer-Verlag, NY.

>From: Philip Koloi <p.koloi@GBRMPA.GOV.AU>

Andy, Philip, and others interested in what garbage turtles might eat (or attempt to) might want to look up the following:

  Balazs, G. H. 1990.  Ecological aspects of marine turtles impacted  by ocean debris: A 1989 perspective.  [Abstract] In  R. S. Shomura  and M. L. Godfrey (eds.), Proceedings of the Second International  Conference on Marine Debris, April 2-7, 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii,  p. 718.  U.S. Dep. Commer. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC

That was my first exposure to the problem and I highly recommend it. If you can't lay your hands on it, try searching for 'marine debris' in the Sea Turtle Online Bibliography starting at:


        \_ /  /// / /// / // / /   Peter Bennett, Mississauga, Ontario
     <:-(_ )~ VISIT TURTLE TRAX
         \  \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\\ \  EMail:

Drs. B.J. Godley & A.C. Broderick
Marine Turtle Research Group
University of Wales, Swansea
Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK

Tel:    00 44 1792 205678 ext 4411
URL:    <>
Fax:    00 44 1786 44 55 99

Dear Cturtlers,

I'm compiling a table of information on satellite transmitter attachment methods for hard-shelled sea turtles. If you are willing to share your information please email me ( the following information for each transmitter you have used. Everyone will be acknowledged for their contribution. Thanks for your help.

1. Species the transmitter was attached to
2. Approximate age class/size of your turtle (juvenile, sub-adult, adult)
3. Attachment method (e.g. epoxy, resin, etc.)
4. Transmitter longevity/duration
5. Information regarding the final fate of the transmitter (e.g. unknown, retrieved, etc.)

Pamela Plotkin, Ph.D.
Senior Conservation Scientist
Center for Marine Conservation
1725 DeSales Street, NW #600
Washington, D.C. 20036
phone: 202-429-5609 ext. 673
FAX: 202-872-0619

Cornish Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1999
Irish Sea Turtle Project
Turtle First Aid
Turtles in Scotland (leaflet)
Under Sea Wind (Man's Impact on the Marine Environment)
Wildlife News: Latest 2004
Wildlife News (BMLSS), includes Turtle reports 1997
British Marine Life Study Society Home Page
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