16 page booklet on A5 sized paper.
Volume 1 Members of the BMLSS were sent the first issue of the Shorewatch Newsletter on 21 February 1997. This newsletter is sent to members as well as the journal Glaucus. The first issue contains information of the marine life found on the shore in January and February, news items, and a feature on Hermit Crabs. The second Shorewatch Newsletter was sent out to members in the week commencing 6 April 1997. The feature is on British Sea Anemones. The third Shorewatch Newsletter was sent to members on 22 May 1997. It featured the BMLSS Exhibition Services to coincide with Low Tide Day on 24 May 1997, as well as information on what to find between the tides as we approach the Summer Solstice. The fourth Shorewatch Newsletter was sent to members in July 1997 and contained information about the marine wildlife on the shore during July and August, sea temperature data and some facts on Prawns and Shrimps. The fifth Shorewatch Newsletter featured the discovery of the Knobbed Triton, Charonia lampas, Rockpooling on the shore in the autumn, and some notes on coldwater marine aquaria including specific gravity/salinity calculations, and a Step by Step Guide to setting up a Native Marine Aquarium. The sixth Shorewatch Newsletter explored what is likely to be found on the shore before the Christmas period, a feature on British winkles, and Rockpooling with Jim Hall on the Gower, SW Wales. Volume 2 In 1998, computer problems delayed the first issue until it was sent out on 25 February 1998, but this issue contained some interesting marine life discoveries, featured on the News page, a feature on the Atlantic Mackerel, plus some Cornish marine wildlife reports, the Coastal Code and Ethics and Conservation on the Seashore. A complete computer breakdown, from 26 April to 26 June 1998, delayed the second issue of the Shorewatch Newsletter for 1998 which was sent to members in July 1998. It contained News Reports, the Common Whelk, Zonation on the Shore, Rockpooling at Worthing, Marine Biological Recording, Basking Sharks etc. The third issue for 1998 featured the lead story on the recent capture of a huge Halibut, plus all the other news in the summer, a list of Diary events, New Books, and features on Seaside Birding, Razorshells and Guide for Parents taking their children down to a rocky shore. This issue was delayed for a week because of a printing problem. It was sent to members on 23 September 1998. The fourth and
final issue for 1998 contained marine news from around the British Isles
including Bottle-nosed Whales
and large Sharks, a report from under
Pier, the European Lobster and Underwater
Volume 3 The first issuefor
1999 was sent out to the members that renewed, on 22
January 1999. This issue contained the report
of the blue Spider Crabs, a large
from off Sussex, and other news items for the last 2 months of 1998. Features
included a summary of setting up a coldwater marine aquarium (see Wet
Thumb) on 4 of the 16 pages, an Introduction to Jim
Hall's new Sea Hunt series, and Rockpooling under Worthing Pier.
The second issue for 1999 was sent out on 24 March 1999. The Bearded Seal was the feature on the front cover, with all the other marine wildlife news. Other features include Predatory Sharks, On Rocky Shores, the Moon Jellyfish and the National Aquarium (at Plymouth) and Records of Marine Life. The third issue for 1999 was delayed first by a complete computer failure and then by a complete printer breakdown. It was eventually sent out to members on 5 June 1999. The main feature was on Biodiversity. The fourth
issue for 1999 was sent to members on 23
July 1999. It is a special Solar Eclipse issue
with articles also on Sea Anemones and the sandy shallows. There is a small
feature by Chris Hicks on the marine related wildlife of the Isle of Wight,
including the Glanville Fritillary Butterfly and the Hoary Stock, a wild
plant that is only found on cliffs near the shore.
Volume 4 The first issue of the new millennium was sent to members on 18 January 2000. This newsletter contains News Reports and Book Reviews. The second issue in year 2000 was delayed first by a printer breakdown and then for rewriting as I was not happy with the original. This issue was sent to our members on 27 April 2000 after two more delays. The headline feature is about the bed of Mantis Shrimps found off the coast of north Wales. Other features are Tides for the Rockpooler, an introduction to World Oceans Day 2000, and a brief review of the Biomar Viewer CD-ROM. WORLD OCEANS DAY 2000
The fourth issue for year 2000 was sent out at the end of July. The cover page feature was about some rare sea anemones from Scotland, with a centre page spread on identifying the cuttlebones of the Common Cuttle, Sepia officinalis, and the uncommon Sepia orbignyana. This issue included rockpooling, whales and dolphin news and reports and pictures from World Oceans Day. The fifth
Sept/October issue for year 2000 was sent to members on 10
October 2000. This issue contain the rare
and vagrant fish discoveries for the new millenium and a special feature
about the new British
Marine Wildlife Smart Group.
The first
Vernal issue for year 2001 has been sent out to members on 12
March 2001.
GLAUCUS CD-ROM 2000 The Glaucus CD-ROM 2000 is
available immediately to British Marine Life Study
The second newsletter for year 2001 is the special World Oceans Day issue. The third issue has a special feature on the Triggerfish. It was sent out to members on 20 October 2001. The rest of the newsletter comprises marine life news items from around Britain during the summer of 2001. The fourth and final issue of the now quarterly newsletter for 2001 was not actually sent out until 18 January 2002 because of a stationery supplies failure. The major news item was the Barracuda caught off the Cornish coast. Volume 6 The first issue for 2002 was the World Oceans Day special edition sent to paid up members in May 2002. A complete computer failure has meant a suspension of the newsletter. Volume 7 The first issue of 2003 was sent out on 10 April 2003. The main cover feature was the Boar Fish capture off Sussex, plus jellyfish reports, Rockpooling at Lancing, whales and dolphins and seals. The newsletter is sent out in black and white. A colour front cover is available over the Internet for printing out. Copy of the link to colour front cover (*.PDF) Colour copy *.PDF file SHRIMPING FOR FOOD AND FUN
A complimentary issue of this booklet was sent to BMLSS members. The
28 page book contains 40 photographs of shrimping through the ages. It
is available through Bookworms of Shoreham
and other booksellers and museums at £3.50.
Talbot-Elsden manned the shrimp display at Adur
World Oceans Day
Volume 8
The Glaucus 2002 CD-ROM was sent out in January 2003.