Adur Torpedo This
is the first published Electronic Newspaper for
19 January 2000 : Volume 2 Issue 3
Wildlife Reports Reynard 15
January 2000
by David Wood
Tides Worldwide
tide times and heights are now available on computer disc. These include
the figures for Shoreham (10 minutes variation from the local Tide Tables).
This program will be included on the BMLSS CD-ROM available later in the
year, and is available by EMail (zipped) to paid up Premier members for
the year 2000. This is a really good program (not fully explored yet) with
tides computed from 1970 to 2037 and better portrayed than the card tables,
if not so convenient unless you have a waterproof pocket-sized micro-computer.
This service is provided by courtesy of Alan Pemberton (BMLSS
New Book
edited by Paul Fraser This new book is a hotchpotch
of inclusions: some interesting like the feature on the changing river
exit/harbour entrance of the Arun at Little Hampton, and a few poems of
questionable quality (interesting again). The book is on the shelf at Shoreham
Words of the Month calcium | kalsm | n. E19. [f. L calc-, CALX + -IUM.] A greyish-white chemical element, atomic no. 20, which is one of the alkaline earth metals and occurs abundantly in nature, esp. as its carbonate (limestone etc.). (Symbol Ca.) calcareous |
kalkers | a. Also -ious. L17. [f. L calcarius of lime (see CALX,
-ARY1) + -OUS.] Of or containing calcium carbonate or other, usu. insoluble,
calcium salt; of the nature of calcium carbonate.
calcium carbonate
A white solid, CaCO3 which is only sparingly soluble in water. Calcium
carbonate decomposes on heating to give *calcium oxide (quicklime) and
carbon dioxide. It occurs naturally as the minerals *calcite (rhombohedral;
r.d. 2.71) and *aragonite (rhombic; r.d. 2.93). Rocks containing calcium
carbonate dissolve slowly in acidified rainwater (containing dissolved
CO2) to cause temporary hardness. In the laboratory, calcium carbonate
is precipitated from *limewater by carbon dioxide. Calcium carbonate is
used in making lime (calcium oxide) and is the main raw material for the
*Solvay process.
calcicole [kal´s kl´] ( pc | mac ) Botany. of or relating to a plant that thrives in lime-rich, chalky soil. Ecology. a plant that thrives in soils rich in calcium salts. Also, CALCIPHILE. Excerpted
from The Academic
Press Dictionary of Science and Technology
But how do these lime-loving
plants (calcioles) of the downlands avoid competing with one another?
Computer Tips Adobe Photoshop is the professional choice for image editing. However, even the latest version number 5 does not provide all the options that you are likely to need. If you have an image that you want to print "fit to page" i.e. to make larger , or smaller, so it prints exactly on the page, version 4 does not seem to let you do this, or I cannot find out how. However, there is another image viewing program called ACDSee which is a very useful program for viewing images on the screen. Also, its Print Set-up menu has the facility to print "fit to page" which I found particularly useful. Remember also to untick the boxes show "file path" etc. if you want the image to display without any distractions. The button image of Shoreham-by-sea in the top left hand corner was created using Micrografx Picture Publisher. This program is easiest to print the image in an exact position on the page. Microsoft
Photo Editor also allows you to print the image in an exact position
on the page. Microsoft Publisher on a blank page is perhaps an even
better method.
February 2000 issue of PC Advisor (£2.99) contains a light
version of the video editor Lumiere, which may come in useful, if
you know somebody who has got a TV card that can record the video for you
on to disc in this first place. These video editing programs take quite
a bit of time to learn how to use. The final product using the cheaper
TV cards is poor.
Historical Snippets Origin of the name Adur The
name "Adur" arose from a mistake in interpretation of 5th century
Roman documents for Portus Adurni, which was originally claimed to be in
what is now the Adur estuary, but now known to be at Portchester. The name
appeared in Michael Drayton's 'Polyolbion' in the 17th century
Web Sites Shoreham Lifeboat Station Shoreham Airport Society Shoreham Rowing Club Shoreham Sailing Club at Truleigh Hill bySqn Ldr T Howard ToonBA CertEd MBCS CISP RAFVR(T) Taking the lead with Gill Minter (for Dog Lovers) Havergal
Brian Society http://www.musicweb.force9.co.uk/music/brian
Free Advertisements SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY For any company or organisation wanting nationwide green publicity, there is an opportunity to sponsor the journal "Glaucus" of the British Marine Life Study Society. There remains sponsorship opportunities on the BMLSS (England) web site and other publications, including Torpedo. Sponsorship is also available for the Adur Electronic News Bulletin and the Shoreham-by-Sea web pages (which preceded the Adur Resource Centre web site), which would be more suitable for a local firm(s). Web Site Design Services are available from Hulkesmouth Publishing. Normal advertisement rules
Adur Torpedo was written, designed and distributed by Andy Horton. Links to earlier issues (for subscribers who have downloaded the Bulletins only, and web site visitors). Issue