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November 2016
On a dull afternoon a Grey Heron was standing sentry in the river under the Flyover, until it was disturbed and flew off to near the Tollbridge. At low tide the Lapwings were roosting with a Little Egret feeding in the shallows, and a Redshank was easily seen foraging over the mud. |
November 2016
a Grey Heron
landed at low tide in the shallow pools under Adur
Ferry Bridge for the third time I crossed
in the later afternoon in a week.
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November 2016
In the fading light of the late afternoon, a male Kestrel flew over my head on the road at the junction with the Sussex Pad. |
November 2016
were grazing in the mown meadows adjoining the busy main road to Steyning.
November 2016
With the first of the winter chill on the breeze, a few estuarine birds rested either side of Little Norfolk Bridge. On the eastern houseboat side, a handful of active Teals and about nine resting Redshanks were seen on the mud at low tide. The water on the western Flood Arches side was merely a trickle. The half a dozen Redshanks were more active and it was unusual to see that many together. At Old Shoreham, there were occasional gulls on the mud including a roosting Greater Black-backed Gull as well as a resting Cormorant. On passage I only noted Bristly Ox-tongue, Oxford Ragwort and Yarrow in flower. |
October 2016
At a five o'clock sunset a Grey Heron fed at low tide in the shallow pools under Adur Ferry Bridge. |
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October 2016
There were scores of Lapwings resting on the mudflats at Old Shoreham at low tide. There were the usual gulls and these Lapwings and other birds were expected and regular on the River Adur in late autumn. |
25 October 2016
with Sea Blite and
Sea Purslane
22 October 2016
mid-tide a Great
Crested Grebe preening itself on the River
Adur north of Adur
Flyover, Old Shoreham. As I watched the darting flight of Kingfisher
spotted briefly in the near distance (neared than the grebe)
before it disappeared from view.
October 2016
Egret was feeding amongst the Sea
Purslane by the houseboats on the high
spring tide (seen from the new Ferry
Bridge) until a Grey Heron
glided down and frightened it away.
October 2016
I cycled north along the Downs Link Cyclepath from Old Shoreham to just south of the Cement Works. I was going to stop and turn back when I saw my first butterfly, but I did not see any and turned back when the sun went behind a black cloud. A Greenfinch was spotted feeding on blackberries. A few bumblebees visiting the few available flowers was about all there was to see although the autumn foliage each side of the cyclepath looked attractive under the weak sun. Smooth Hawk's-beard was spotted in two patches and both Hawkweed Ox-tongue, Bristly Ox-tongue were still frequent with Hoary Ragwort, Red Clover, Hardheads, a few Ox-eye Daisies and Melilot. A Little Egret fed on prawns and was seen from the Tollbridge, and a handful of Lapwings were seen for the first time by me this autumn. |
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9 October 2016
On a varied cloudy day, the most spectacular Rainbow I had ever seen appeared over Shoreham for 18 minutes in the afternoon. It appeared as both as a double rainbow and even a treble rainbow for a very brief moment.
Little Egret
October 2016
I was already looking for the last butterfly of the year: a Red Admiral was seen over Riverbank by the houseboats around midday in very weak sunshine between the gaps in the clouds. Five Teal were seen feeding on the Flood Arches mud at low tide. A half a dozen or more Turnstones searched for food on the mussel beds underneath the Norfolk Bridge. |
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2 October
large fish jumped out the flooded River
Adur on a high spring tide
just south of the Adur Flyover. It showed
a large glimpse of white but despite this I think it was likely to be a
Mullet. There were lots of large swirls
in the shallows, in the muddy gaps between the submerged Sea
Link Cyclepath
I noted
a handful of large Dark Bush Crickets
and a Speckled Wood Butterfly
on the verges of the the Downs Link Cyclepath by a clump of blackberries,
just south of the Cement Works.
Butterfly Report
September 2016
glided over the Downs Link Cyclepath between
the Erringham Gap north to the Cement Works. At Old Shoreham a chirm of
at least eight Goldfinches was
divided into two groups. There were very few plants in flower,
noting a few examples of Hoary Ragwort,
Common Ragwort, Fleabane, Melilot, Bristly Ox-tongue, Prickly Sow Thistle
Sow Thistle (one clump), Common
Toadflax and Hogweed.
September 2016
Heron fished in the middle of the River
Adur on a low neap tide
approaching 3:00 pm
in the afternoon, after the first right angle meander of the river north
of Old Shoreham. It was not alone; a dog disturbed the hundred or so Common
Gulls and couple of Cormorants.
A few Little Egrets
are so regular to be hardly worth a mention nowadays. Two
small chirms of Goldfinches
around the Hawthorn and
other hedgerow shrubs. These chirms comprised only a handful of birds in
each (unless that were part of a larger chirm unseen). It was too cool
for any butterflies.
Adur Estuary
Spurrey, Sea
Blite, Cord Grass,
Grass, Sea Purslane, Sea Purslane
September 2016
the time of the Autumn
Equinox the subdued colours of autumn
were evident with falling leaves exceeding fluttering butterflies
of which three Red Admirals
blown about on the breeze
was the day total from the verges of the Downs
Link Cyclepath north of Old Shoreham. Under
a cloudy sky, the high equinoctial spring tide
lapped against the towpath. There was very
little colour or movement: the chattering House
Sparrows, immigrant flocks of Starlings,
a Great Tit,
a hundred strong flock of Common Gulls
on the western bank of the River
Adur following a tractor. A Devil's
Coach Beetle, Staphylinus olens,
crawled across the cyclepath near the Cement Works.
Downs Link Cyclepath
lack of colour prompted me to have a closer look at what was around on
the verges of the cyclepath and I added two previously overlooked flowering
plants to my local list: two clumps of the large flowers of Perennial
Sow Thistle, Sonchus
arvensis, and my first identification of the Hoary
Ragwort, Senecio
21 September 2016 Eventually, I spotted my first Small Copper Butterfly of the year in Old Shoreham by the River Adur. Typically, it visited the small amounts of Fleabane still in flower next to the towpath north of the Tollbridge, but only for a few seconds before it disappeared. Small White Butterflies were still frequently seen in the sunshine, especially over Shoreham Beach. The small spider Tetragnatha extensa was seen underneath a Hardhead (=Lesser Knapweed) leaf. 14
September 2016
by Paul James on Sussex
Ornithological Society News
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2 September 2016
Beeding, Cyclepath edge near the river
Link Cyclepath
August 2016
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With the sun behind the Cumulus clouds most of the flutterings were falling leaves in the breeze. An Oystercatcher hammered a mussel by Ropetackle (near the Norfolk Bridge) at low tide, and a Turnstone scrambled about amongst the mussels very well camouflaged to my human eye.
August 2016
was graced by a two second close look at a Kingfisher,
flying over Ladywell's Stream
on the opposite side of the Coombes Road to the Scout Hut. In a brilliant
flash he was gone and it did not reappear over the shallow stream, that
hosted Water Mint
growing wild. Over the cyclepath just north of Old Shoreham, my first Southern
Hawker (dragonfly)
of the year, cruised by at a height of about two metres. This was quickly
followed by a Common Darter.
Link Cyclepath
But overall there was a distinct autumn appearance to the cyclepath verges with plentiful Fleabane, a few Water Mint flowers, but most of the flowers were fading to be replaced by seeds and the browns of the new season. Sea Aster was beginning to flower on the river mud, with the occasional tiny flowers of Sea Spurrey could be searched out for.
Butterflies were frequently seen but mostly whites of three species positively identified as the most numerous Large Whites but still plenty of Small Whites and Green-veined Whites. One unidentified vanessid flew over the Toll Bridge. There were occasional Meadow Browns around the towpath to Cuckoo's Corner, Speckled Browns where it was shady on a sunny afternoon, and three tiny Common Blues (two males, one female) on the Downs Link cylepath verges north of Erringham Gap.
22 August 2016
by the river at Old Shoreham
Marsh Grasshopper, Fleabane,
11 August 2016
Silver-washed Fritillary
A large brown dragonfly patrolled the large pond at Woods Mill, Small Dole, and I think this is most likely to be a Hairy Dragonfly which appeared double the size of a Common Darter seen at the same time. In the shaded wooded area, a faded Silver-washed Fritillary and a dark Speckled Wood Butterfly settled briefly.
8 August 2016
Butterfly, Hemlock
Water Dropwort
Marsh Grasshopper, Goldrenrod
These Lesser Marsh Grasshoppers, Chorthippus albomarginatus. were hopping in around the Sea Purlsane on the river edge at Old Shoreham.
7 August 2016
Link Cyclepath
Erringham Gap and the Cement Works
19 July 2016
marks the end of summer. No clouds in the
and Fleabane
are autumn flowers
a breeze (Force
4) was blowing as it was very
warm > 26.8° C. A
round trip to Annington Sewer
via the Coombes Road noted House Martins
in flight and a Swallow
and two Kestrels
hovering together over the sheep pasture near the private road to Applesham
Farm, 19 Mute Swans
on the River Adur
at Upper Beeding near the South Downs Way Bridge as I cycled back along
the Downs Link Cyclepath in the middle of the day to early afternoon. And
were common for the first time this year led
by 50+ Red Admirals,
the same number of mixed whites, Large
Whites, Green-veined Whites, Small Whites,
frequent Small/Essex Skippers,
frequent Meadow Browns,
occasional Gatekeepers,
and a few 6-spotted Burnet Moths.
The hoverfly
Cheilosia illustrata at Cuckoo's Corner
was my first record of a species which could be easily overlooked.
Beach Weather Station
July 2016
a very sticky humid day, I cycled on my Pashley
to the Sunday morning car boot sale in Miller's Field, (north of Old Shoreham),
and by road along to Erringham Gap and back along the Downs Link Cyclepath
to Shoreham. A passage journey recorded Marbled
Whites, Green-veined Whites, Large Whites, Small Whites,
Skippers and 6-spotted
Burnet Moths.
July 2016
commotion over the River
Adur north of the Tollbridge
attracted my attention, as the gulls
nosily mobbed a Grey Heron.
On a breezy cloudy day, it was inimical for even photographing wild flowers
as they were constantly blown about in the late morning.
Levels, Downs Link Cyclepath
Shoreham to Erringham Gap
of small grasshoppers were easily disturbed
on the meadow-like verges of the Steyning Line Cyclepath (from Old Shoreham
to just north of the Erringham Gap). A score or more of fresh Green-veined
White Butterflies were fluttering
about but the other butterflies
were reluctant to take flight. A variety were seen and they were one Small
Skipper, occasional Meadow
Browns, a few Ringlets,
at least two Red Admirals
and a Marbled White.
Two of the first 6-spotted Burnet Moths
of the year were spotted, the first settled on a Pyramidal
Orchid. More plants appeared in flower,
notably a white coloured Common Centaury,
Dark Mullein,
Bartsia and the first budding Wild
Butterfly List 2016
5 July 2016
Levels, Downs Link Cyclepath
Shoreham to Cement Works
least a day without rain and even in the very late afternoon there was
as brief spell of sunshine and the breeze had died down. The
meadow-like verges of the Steyning Line Cyclepath had grown higher than
normal and the Pyramidal Orchids
were almost hidden amongst the long grasses, Lady's
Bedstraw and other vegetation. The
late sunshine cast long shadows but brought
the butterflies
out: one fresh Comma*,
four Red Admirals,
and few Large Whites,
my first handful of Small Skippers
of the year, at least two Marbled Whites,
occasional Meadow Browns, about
ten Ringlets and
occasional Silver Y Moths.
Other new plants in flower (from a month
ago) included Greater Willowherb, Rosebay
Willowherb, Tufted
Vetch, Dotted
Loosestrife, Lesser Burdock, Bellflower,
(=Lesser Knapweed),
Buttercup and others. A Common
Blue Damselfly was seen by the gate and
broken stile leading to the Waterworks Road,
Old Shoreham.
Butterfly List 2016
5 June
appeared in the sunshine, a Peacock Butterfly
on the Car Boot Sale pasture north of the Flyover
(south of Old Erringham). a few Common
at the Old Shoreham end (south of the Flyover) of the Steyning Line Cyclepath,
where my first possible Small Skipper of
the year appeared as an orange flash and was gone, and a fleeting but definite
view of my first Wall Brown
of the year, with Large Whites
and Small Whites
and other unidentified brownish butterflies blown about too rapidly on
the breeze. A Speckled Wood
was also spotted in flight.
The Small Skipper
is too early? It might have been a Small Heath?
(not previously seen in Old Shoreham though.)
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A few Spotted Orchids were noted on the Steyning Line Cyclepath at Erringham. Water Dropworts were flowering in umbels by the River Adur at Old Shoreham.
May 2016
missing a few days with rain and thunderstorms, it was still cloudy and
breezy along the Steyning
Line Cyclepath on the same latitude as Old Erringham where my
first Mint Moth, Pyrausta aurata,
of the year landed on an Ox-eye Daisy.
A Peacock Butterfly
was blown about in the breeze.
Line Cyclepath
Flag Iris
Foot Trefoil, Lesser Stitchwort
Tiny green Meadow Grasshoppers, Chorthippus parallelus, were jumping around in the verges where Bird's Foot Trefoil and the tiny Lesser Stitchwort flowered.
8 May
Admiral Butterfly landed on the towpath
at the western end of the Toll Bridge,
Old Shoreham. Near Cuckoo's Corner on the Coombes Road I spotted (as expected)
my second and third Orange Tip Butterflies
of the year. There was an orange male butterfly and a white female, and
a definite Green-veined Butterfly
interfering with their courting over Garlic
Mustard in the sunshine on the warmest
day of the year. Because the butterflies
were out of range and flighty and because of the busy road traffic I was
unable to get a decent photograph. So I decided to cycle further north
in search to Bramber in search of more butterflies.
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Ladywells Stream was in flood (the high spring tide preventing discharge into the River Adur) but I was still surprised to see a 30 cm long grey fish in the stream on the east side of road, east of the small weir. This was the largest fish I've seen in that streams in the area which are even in flood are less than 60 cm in depth. The fish cruised out of sight in a second and I had only time to notice that it lacked red fins and seemed to have protuberances along its lateral line. I thought it looked like a streamlined Carp. (It might have been a resident Brown Trout? I think I favour it most likely being a Tench.) I also saw a Stickleback and a blue damselfly flew just above he slowly flowing stream. I think it was most likely to be either an Azure or a Common Blue Damselfly.
In search of more butterflies, there were occasional whites of an undetermined species (thought most likely to be Green-veined Whites) on the cycle ride along the Coombes Road to Botolphs and by cyclepath to Bramber. Ox-eye Daisies were beginning to flower, noticed first near Annington Sewer. Orchids were common over the southern (north-facing) chalk bank of Anchor Bottom, Upper Beeding. The scattered orchids were all the purple Green-winged Orchids amongst the dried out cow pats. I also spotted my first Holly Blue Butterfly of the year on the outward ride and another one over the Steyning Line Cyclepath on the way back.
Swans fed in the small streams (I did
not spot any cygnets).
nearly a fortnight later before I spotted a Grey
Heron in the photograph above. This is
the pasture between Botolphs and the River
Adur at the Annington Sewer end in the
Ladywell complex of streams and field drainage.
of the Tree
Map Tree location
6 May
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I headed north of Coombes up the country road on an unplanned cycle ride, encouraged by the afternoon sunshine. North of Coombes village, Hawthorn was beginning to flower in the leafy hedgerows, whilst in Old Shoreham Blackthorn flowers were still on the trees joined by the fresh growth of leaves. A good condition Red Admiral Butterfly settled briefly at Botolphs, where a Moorhen fed in the middle of a stream/drainage, that hosted the Cuckoo Flower in bloom on the edge. At Annington Sewer Whirligig Beetles and Water Skaters were seen on the water surface beneath the leafy Oak Tree.
3 May 2016
Butterfly, Rhingia
campestris, Cuckoo Flower, Peacock
Flower, Blackthorn, Small White Butterfly
on Three Cornered
Hawthorn was now on green leaf and Blackthorn ceased flowering at Cuckoo's Corner, but there were still Primroses, Cowslips, Green Alkanet and Bluebells around the outskirts of Shoreham together with newly flowering Red Campion, Garlic Mustard, one clump of Cuckoo Flower (near Ladywells on the Coombes Road), and the first two Yellow Flag Iris (stream next to Ladywells) the most eye catching on a breezy day.
1 May
a breezy midday.
a probable
Green-veined White Butterfly
around the Alexanders next to the tarmac
cyclepath south of the Tollbridge,
Old Shoreham. My first male Orange-tip
Butterfly of the year was a pristine butterfly
that made a fleeting visit to Three
Cornered Garlic
and Green Alkanet
at the southern end of the Waterworks Road,
where Common Vetch
was spotted in flower for the first
time this year, and the distinctive hoverfly
Rhingia campestris visited Green
Alkanet flowers.
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my trip was unplanned and I only had my compact camera, I returned very
in the afternoon to try and get a decent photograph
of the Orange-tip,
but it did not make an appearance, only a flighty Green-veined
White and occasional hoverflies
of at least five species including the pretty Leucozona
lucorum. On the footpath below the
Butterfly Copse to the Waterworks Road, I spied a large clump of Ink
Butterfly List 2016
April 2016
White Butterfly settled on a Garlic
Mustard flower
south of Cuckoo's Corner on the Coombes Road. A dark Peacock
Butterfly rose from the vicinity of clump
of White Deadnettle
in a field just north of Cuckoo's Corner on a day of
a cool wind chill (below 4°C)
from the westerly breeze (recorded at Gale Force
7 gusting to Force 8). More
Mustard had appeared on the verges of the
Coombes Road. It appeared that the stands found were flourishing, was there
was less of it than I seem to recall from previous years and very little
(just one plant seen) between Cuckoo's Corner north to Ladywells
Penstock, where it is normally common. Cuckoo
Flower (=Lady's Smock) was flowering streamside
in the drainage ditch that borders the field and runs due north of Cuckoo's
Corner. Blackthorn
was still in flower along the Steyning Line Cyclepath at Old Shoreham,
with the green leaves and buds of Hawthorn.
April 2016
An Oystercatcher probed for food on the tideline of the incoming tide underneath Adur Ferry Bridge, its feathers ruffled in the breeze. Its neck was all black without a white collar. |
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April 2016
the Coombes Road (south of Cuckoo's Corner only), Garlic
Mustard had started to flower.
North of Ladywells on the same country road (on the first incline to the
Applesham Farm junction), the Elm hedges
were beginning in green leaf on the eastern border to the road.
April 2016
long slinky Weasel was
spotted on the edge of the Coombes Road verges near Ladywells. It is only
for a second as it quick to to disappear amongst the long grass. This was
only living thing of note on an afternoon when the Cowslips
and Primroses
were still in flower along the Downs
Link (Steyning Line) Cyclepath but no Coltsfoot.
At least two Peacock Butterflies were
spotted near Cuckoo's Corner. Moorhens
seen on Lancing College Pond.
Lancing College Pond
Elm was coming into leaf on the outskirts on verges and patches of
wasteland. Leaves were not so forthcoming on mature trees.
Willow catkins were still on the trees
although they also littered the ground underneath the branches.
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Ramsons (also called Wild Garlic), Allium ursinum, were spotted on the muddy verge of the Coombes Road, south of Cuckoo's Corner. The Sussex Plant Atlas includes the names Ramsons and is not shown as present in the Lower Adur Valley. It is not recorded in Flora of Shoreham-by-Sea (List).
8 April 2016
was in full flower at Cuckoo's Corner where Hawthorn
was in substantial leaf and the leaves of Blackthorn
had appeared. Blackthorn flowers appear before
the leaves and the Hawthorn leaves appear before the flowers.
Buff-tailed Bumblebees visited Green Alkanet at Cuckoo's Corner. |
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5 April
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white Cumulus clouds
sped across a blue sky and the sun shone briefly though the gaps. On
the verges of the Steyning Line (Old Shoreham to Upper Beeding) the yellow
of Coltsfoot, Lesser Celandine
and Cowslips
were most noticeable as well as a few Bluebells
one patch of Ground Ivy.
There was another Peacock Butterfly
in the afternoon, bringing the day total of this colourful vanessid
to at least nine. Bee-flies
visited the catkins of Pussy Willow,
but mostly high in the canopy.
Butterfly List 2016
4 February
Owl finally made an appearance over the
saltings near New Salts Farm, swopping low over the reed beds just before
sunset. This time it outshone the male
perched on some telephone wires. The owl
was mobbed at time by a Herring Gull,
flushing it and making the view livelier. Its flight was in a series
of glides before settling down. It may have been hunting, but
this occurs mainly at night (the books say).
The flooded stream that runs through the now fenced in open land hosted
at least two Coots
and at least two Moorhen.
I think the squeal from the reed beds came from a Moorhen
occurred as the owl glided
January 2016
the Norfolk Bridge and Railway
Viaduct at low tide, Greater
Black-backed Gulls (2+), Crows
(12+), Oystercatchers
(6+) fed on the mussel
beds, and a Redshank
skirted the tideline in the fast running current by Ropetackle.
January 2016
the small patch of open water by New Salts Farm (within the Shoreham boundary)
a Little Grebe
dived under accompanied by a Moorhen,
a Coot
and a pair of Mallards.
by Paul Loader
Over the reed beds, a Kestrel hovered and descended in the hunt several times without success. At Civil Twilight his performance excelled that of a Short-eared Owl that spent half an hour perched in the reed bed with an occasional preen, before flying away and out of view as dusk (Nautical Twilight) set in and the temperature plummeted rapidly.It did not look as though it was hunting just flying away. A Water Rail squealed from amongst the reed beds (hearsay audio identification). This squeal did not seem to come from an identifiable cause.
January 2016
Owl was seen and photographed
near Shoreham Airport.
flooding to the north in the low lying fields around Henfield could seen
from the muddy footpath north of and downhill from Beeding Hill car park.
Paul Loader
I missed a Common Seal spotted and photographed in the River Adur by Sean Stones.
8 January 2016
Altogether a much brighter afternoon than two days previously, the sea was still calm as it gently lapped against the glimpses of exposed sand and finer gravel at the mid-tide mark. Brown wracks strewn across the pebbles marked the limit of the high tide. On the distant downs the clouds were dark, but over Adur Recreation Ground the late sun filtered through a break in the clouds casting golden light on a naked White Poplar amongst the evergreen trees.