Reports received of Marine Creatures sighted, stranded or landed during
A list compiled by Raymond Dennis

26/1/94 6 or 7 Bottlenose Dolphin were seen near the outside of
Newlyn Harbour North Pier, close to the custom house at 1530
27/1/94 6 or 7 Bottlenose Dolphin (probably the same pod as above)
were seen near the tug moored in Mount's Bay off Newlyn at 1100
13/2/94 Small pod, 5 to 7 Bottlenose Dolphin were seen close inshore
near Pordenack Point Sw 344242 Land's End at 1500
9/3/94 Small pod, not more than 6 Bottlenose Dolphins were seen in
Mount's Bay at 1500They followed the Pilot Boat in nearly to Newlyn Harbour
after passing between the Pilot Boat and the Tug which were only yards
apart at the time
14/4/94 2 Dolphins, believed to be Bottlenose were seen near the tug
moored in Mount's Bay at 1700hrs.
8/5/94 Pendeen Watch. 3 or 4 Bottlenose Dolphins were first seen close
inshore at about 1530 then more appeared numbering 6 or 7. But when they
moved offshore and were followed with binoculars more were seen over a
wider area numbering probably 15 animals.
9/5/94 A small pod of Bottlenose Dolphins were seen close inshore off
Eastern Green at about 7.30.p.m. Probably not more than 7 animals.
12/5/94 It was reported that a whale carcass was washed up along Eastern
Green or Long Rock shore this week.
13/5/94 A small cetacean carcass was reported washed ashore off Newlyn
Green. It was collected and taken to Nick Tregenzas for collection by the
vet. It was a juvenile porpoise about 2'6" long.
13/5/94 There have been sightings of many Rhizostoma pulmo during the
past week in Mount's Bay
15/5/94 A Basking Shark was seen by yachtsmen off St. Michael's Mount
during the day, It was reported as being at least 20ft long.
17/5/94 A Basking Shark was seen at 7.a.m. near St. Clements Island
by a local fisherman who reported it as being more than 20ft long
24/5/94 5 Basking Sharks were seen at 7.p.m. near the Gear Pole SW479294
off Penzanc Prom. The largest shark was about 15ft long and had a
large floppy dorsal fin.The 4 others were each about 11ft long
24/5/94 A Basking Shark was seen near "The Welloe" a rock off Rinsey
Head SW584259 at 3.p.m. The shark was too far from the boat to estimate
24/5/94 A Basking Shark was caught and taken to the Newlyn Fish Market
25/5/94 There was no bidder for the shark at the market.
25/5/94 A small group of Basking Sharks, about 5 or 6, were seen breaching
off The Lizard SW700100
26/5/94 A dead Basking Shark was seen being towed out to sea from Newlyn
Harbour, presumably for dumping.
26/5/94 Two Basking Sharks were seen during the morning just outside
Penzance Harbour SW480301. One was the same 15ft shark seen on Tuesday
24th May (see previous entry) with a large floppy dorsal fin. The
other was about 11ft long.
26/5/94 Many fishermen have been calling over radios this week with
sightings of Basking Sharks, particularly offshore along the coast between
Mousehole and Land's End. A fisherman/diver reports that from the calls
he heard and the reported positions of the sightings he estimates that
there could be more than 50 Basking Sharks in the area.
2/6/94 6 to 8 Bottlenose Dolphin were seen off Penzance Harbour at
about 3.p.m. today.
2/6/94 A shark was seen briefly on the surface off Tater-du SW440227
at 2.p.m. It was about 6ft long (not more than 8ft)and it dived quickly
after being passed by a divers inflatable boat. Species unknown.
3/6/94 A Grey Seal, 5 to 6ft long, was observed swimming around
in Newlyn Harbour at 9.30.a.m. and a little later was seen eating a large
12/6/94 A Basking Shark was seen at the surface near St.Ives Island
at about 3.p.m. It was swimming around but did not appear to be feeding.
It dived out of sight when divers entered the water near by, but the water
was too murky to give them a good view of the was between 15 and
20ft long SW523413.
16/6/94 For the last few days local fishermen have been reporting and
catching many Blue Sharks, most of which have been about 70 lb in
weight, Smallest reported at 50 lb.
30/6/94 A Leatherback Turtle, about 5 to 6 ft long, was seen of Tater-du
SW440230 at about midday.
2/7/94 A pod of 6 or 7 Bottlenose Dolphin were seen in St.Ives Bay
off Carbis Bay at mid-afternoon. They were all medium size, none large
or small.
7/7/94 A Leatherback Turtle was seen about a mile off St.Michael's
Mount at noon today. It dived as a boat approached , and they did not get
near enough to estimate size.
12/7/94 A small pod of Bottlenose Dolphin were seen off Newlyn Quarry
SW475277 at 1100hrs. Divers who enterd the water and swam with them briefly
reported 5 or 6 animals. All about 4 metres long but one had practically
no beak at all. (Probably a Risso's)
12/7/94 A Basking Shark only about 6 or 7ft long was seen off Porthleven
SW625250 during the afternoon
13/7/94 A Sunfish was seen basking on the
surface until approached too close by a boat off Penberth SW405225
during the morning.
18/7/94 A large Sunfish was seen basking on the surface oof The
Bucks Rocks SW443225.
12/7/94 A Fishing Boat landed its catch at Newlyn Market early today
of Long Fin Tunny mostly about a stone in weight,
but a few nearly twice that size. Estimated catch 3500 fish, also in the
catch were Black Bream, Bass and an eight stone Mako Shark with a baby
one only two ft long. There were also about a dozen large Swordfish, 9ft
long, plus 4 to 5ft sword and many smaller Swordfish.
4/8/94 It was reported in the 'Cornishman' newspaper that a Louvar,
imperialis was landed at Newlyn Fish Market this week by MFV
Ar Bageergan , Skipper Chris Hill. Said to be only 7th of this
species to be landed in this country but the second to be landed at Newlyn
within a month. It was sent to the Natural History Museum London.
7/9/94 1130hrs. A Sunfish was seen on the surface swimming a
few yards at a time about 300 metres off Godrevy Island.(Over new sewer
difusers )
8/9/94 Pot fishermen reporting that Trigger Fish are being found in
their pots again. This seems to becoming quite common at this time
of year. Two were found in one pot this week.
29/9/94 A pair of Bottlenose Dolphins have been regularly seen about
an hour before and an hour after high tide off the Lighthouse Pier at St.Ives
for the past week or more. Today two divers with underwater Video Cameras
were able to take about 8 mins of underwater video between them. Many people
in boats were present and the dolphins seemed to enjoy the company of the
boats and divers.
1/11/94 1630hrs. 4 Bottlenose Dolphins were seen from a boat between
Mousehole Island SW474261 and Penlee Point SW473268.
3/11/94 It was reported that in Newlyn Harbour near the fish market
there were thousands of small jellyfish floating on the surface. They were
about 2" in diameter and purplish in colour. [probably Aurelia aurita]
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1989
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1990
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1991
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1992
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1993
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1995
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1996
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1997
Marine Life Records (Ray Dennis) 1998
Smith's One-List/Cornish Wildlife
SW (Cornwall Wildlife Trust web pages)
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