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Widewater Lagoon Photograph by David Wood |
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1 October
a pleasant (17.3 °C)
beginning to October with
a Light Breeze (Force 2) blowing form the NNW (N veering to NW),
I spotted seven Wall Lizards, Podarcis
muralis, at the Old Fort (at the far eastern end of Shoreham Beach)
with only a cursory attempt to look for them. The afternoon visit discovered
two adults on the walls followed by two juveniles. Later when examining
a small clump of flowering Sea Thrift,
three or more further juvenile lizards were spotted skitting amongst the
rocks and vegetation. One of the adults was recognised as the one
in the photograph
September 2009
Widewater Lagoon was as still as a millpond on a sunny day where the houses bordering the lagoon were reflected as a mirror image, which was rather unfortunate for photography as in the space of one frame five perched Cormorants and three perched Little Egrets were posing. A Cormorant flew overhead. The Mute Swan count on the flooded lagoon (after the spring tides) was two adults and a fully grown cygnet in the separate lagoon at the far east of Widewater, a pair with four cygnets by a house to the west of the bridge and another pair at the far eastern end by the block of flats. A Wheatear (about to migrate) was seen on Shoreham Beach. Swan Death Report |
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September 2009
In contrast to the previous day, it was the Small White and Green-veined White Butterflies that were frequently seen along the cyclepath from Weald Dyke, Shoreham Beach, going eastwards towards Lancing Beach Green where a Clouded Yellow Butterfly fluttered northwards across the mown grass. Large White Butterflies were only occasionally seen. A Little Egret perched in a Tamarisk Tree on the edge of Widewater Lagoon east of the small bridge, where another Little Egretwas seen with three perched Cormorants, two of them fanning their wings until I frightened them into taking flight. Birds of Sussex |
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September 2009
visit to the sand and rocky shore at Lancing
Beach Green west on a 0.7 metre low spring
was unrewarding (my heart wasn't in it) and the only thing of note was
empty shell of the Shore Urchin,
miliaris, which was notable because I
have not seen a live one on the local shores for several (over ten) years.
There were a few undersized Edible Crabs,
pagurus, a small Hairy
Crab, Pilumnus hirtellus,
at least one medium-sized
Shore Crab,
maenas, one small newly moulted (soft)
Swimming Crab,
puber, and one small Hermit
Crab, Pagurus bernhardus,
in the gastropod shell
of a Netted Dogwhelk.
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14 September 2009 A Clouded Yellow Butterfly was spotted on the shingle between the beach huts at the eastern end of Lancing Beach Green and a Red Admiral at the western end. A Wheatear flew around near the beach huts at the seaward side of Shoreham Beach Green, getting ready to embark on its emigration to Africa. On Widewater Lagoon, three Cormorants were stationed on poles and one Little Egret fished in the shallows. Birds of Sussex |
September 2009
An early morning low tide visit to Kingston Beach, Shoreham with Tiger Aspect Productions Ltd, to film the Blenny sequence for a TV four programme series called The Seasons with Alan Titchmarsh, recorded the expected Blennies, Lipophrys pholis, a large Rock Goby, Gobius paganellus, half a dozen large Edible Prawns, Palaemon serratus, and a notable young green Ballan Wrasse, Labrus bergylta. |
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August 2009
running the rockpooling event for Friends
of Shoreham Beach we discovered amongst other things a dead Compass
Jellyfish. This was on the beach behind
the Old Fort.
August 2009
Lizards, Podarcis
muralis, were noted on the Old Fort walls in the weak sunshine.
Flocks of 100+ Starlings
whirled over Shoreham Beach.
families of Mute Swans
are resident on Widewater Lagoon every
year. One morning an adult female Mute Swan
was found dead. The cause is unknown but predation by a Fox
is suspected. The cygnets
will be able to fend for themselves with the male still in attendance.
July 2009
high spring tide nearly reached the green band
of Orache on the shingle south of Brooklands
Boating Lake, east Worthing. Unnoticed at
first, a flock of about 25 Turnstones
took flight as I got close. The incoming waves
churned over a brown mass of loose seaweed.
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June 2009
Hawkmoth was photographed on Shoreham
June 2009
metre long Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus
thynnus, jumped 30 cm clear of the sea in
the vicinity of a fishing boat seven miles off Shoreham-by-Sea,
Sussex, in the early afternoon on a sunny day. It was speculated that this
tunny (which is now rare in British seas)
followed the large shoals of fish in, which in turn attracted the fishing
vessel. "As it left the water I was able to catch sight of its gleaming
multi-coloured sides of the the torpedo-shaped fish and the small pre-caudal
triangular finlets appeared dark blue. Its weight was estimated to be about
12 kg."
the late afternoon, twoWall
Lizards, Podarcis
muralis, were seen on the flint walls of the Old Fort, Shoreham
Beach. Both were green intact adults and the first one stayed around
long enough for a photograph.
the Old Fort, the expanse of Starry Clover,
stellatum, flowering was coming to
an end. Childing Pink, Petrorhagia
nanteuilii, was present in small numbers,
all with single flowers in their usual place in a small patch at Silver
Sands. At least three 6-spot
Burnet Moths were seen by the Old Fort
in the late afternoon.
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Wild Flowers
June 2009
the Riverbank towpath by the houseboats, I observed two Small
White Butterflies and a Red
Admiral. On the flowering
Shoreham Beach south of Winterton Way, there
were two more Small Whites
and a Painted Lady,
and at least three more Painted Ladies
were seen flying over the beach.
Butterfly Report
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Way Beach
noted: Dock,
Valerian, Yellow-horned Poppy, Sea
Kale, Ivy-leaved Toadflax, Viper's
Stonecrop, Tree Mallow, Common Mallow, Silver
Ragwort, Ragwort and Bittersweet.
end of Shoreham Beach)
6 June 2009
Venue: Coronation Green, Shoreham-by-Sea
Admission: FREE
Adur World Oceans Day took place in the marquee on Coronation Green on 6th June 2009 on the opening Saturday of the Adur Festival. Len Nevell was there with the usual exhibition of lobsters and crabs. The innovative aquarium displays of seashore life, strandline exhibits and photographs will again be in on show. Experts will be on hand to answer your queries about life in the oceans and on the seashore.
I think World Oceans Day this is best described by the Nobel prize winning author John Steinbeck when writing about Ed 'Doc' Ricketts of Cannery Row fame in which he wrote 'commercial fishermen harvest the sea to feed men's bodies and a marine biologist harvests the sea to feed men's minds'
Quote by Andy Horton (British Marine Life Study Society)The Friends of Shoreham Beach played an important part with their own displays and information about the Nature Reserve and plants of the shingle beach.
Adur World Oceans Day is run by a committee comprising representatives of the British Marine Life Study Society, West Sussex County Council, the Sea Watch Foundation, Friends of Shoreham Beach and other groups, with support from Adur District Council.
World Oceans Day was declared at the Earth Summit in 1992.
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3 June 2009 A Force 4 easterly Breeze prevented any serious shrimping on Southwick Beach as the waves rolled in. A quick ten minute push on the outgoing tide produced a medium-sized Lesser Weever, Echiichthys vipera, one swimming crab Portumnus latipes with "fleur-de lis" markings, five Brown Shrimps, Crangon crangon, and two flatfish (probably Plaice) fry. British Intertidal Crabs |
the south side of the Shoreham Harbour Power Station chimney, just above
the nest box, a female Peregrine Falcon
perched on one of the ledges. It could be identified to gender by its greater
size than the male of the species.
Ragwort in
on Southwick Beach (east of Carat's Cafe) was a new addition to the flora
list in flower this year.
2 June
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Shoreham Beach Flowers
May 2009
was possible after some poor weather. And the conditions were ideal off
Beach (near the Church of the Good Shepherd) but the haul of Brown
Crangon crangon,
amount to about thirty all after the tide turned
and with the incoming tide. Luckily (because the expedition was to get
exhibits for Adur World Oceans Day 2009) the
haul with my smaller U-shaped net including two medium-sized Lesser
vipera, amongst the weed so I had
to be careful of the venomous fins,
two adult Sand Sole, Pegusa
one intact Vernal Crab Liocarcinus
vernalis, half a dozen flatfish
Plaice) fry, one small Plaice,
Hermit Crabs,
Diogenes pugilator,
one swimming crab Portumnus latipes,
and a very young Greater Pipefish Syngnathus
acus. A Painted
Lady Butterfly fluttered around my head.
May 2009
Jellyfish, Aurelia
aurita, were seen in Shoreham
Harbour as is usual at this time of the year.
May 2009
brief rockpooling
foray in the early morning to Kingston Buci
Beach, east Shoreham, was much more productive than the previous
day. A more promising start was found with frequent (enough for
a meal) large Prawns
serratus, at the Chart Datum marker,
and in the net came a capture of a Corkwing
melops , an adult Blenny,
pholis, and two smaller ones,
with a medium-sized Bullhead,
bubalis, and one small Moon
Jellyfish, Aurelia
aurita. Turning a few rocks uncovered a small
Cancer pagurus,
two juvenile Rock Gobies, Gobius
paganellus, two more Blennies,
and at least one of the tiny shrimp-like crustacean Athanas
nitescens. Oysters
and the usual molluscs were present. I noted
the largest expanse of the eggs of the Dogwhelk,
lapillus, since I began recording
on this beach in 1979. This was clear evidence of recovery since TBT
pollution. A few (at least two) large grey specimens of this gastropod
were seen on the mussel beds. A few live Cockles
were lying about the surface of the sand. A Little
Egret was feeding on the tideline to the
purple variety of Goat's Beard
was just beginning to open in flower
on Kingston Buci Beach.
May 2009
trip to the rocky shore by the Half Brick, east Worthing on the low spring
was a serious disappointment with hardly anything of interest. It took
at least 30 minutes to find a Velvet Swimming
Crab Necora
puber, three Shore Crabs Carcinus
maenas, a very small Common
Squat Lobster Galathea squamifera,
two Snakelocks
Anemones Anemonia
viridis, a large one-clawed Edible Crab
pagurus, a Prawn
serratus, one very small
Common Hermit
bernhardus, a few Sagartia
troglodytes sea anemones and two Daisy
Anemones Cereus
pedunculatus. It was ten minutes before I
spotted a small Chiton
(a mollusc in the class Polyplacophora)
probably Lepidochitona
There were a few elusive (evaded capture) adult Common
microps, in breeding livery with fry
is the shallow sandy pools. In a deeper pool, a solitary Sand
Smelt, Atherina
presbyter, cruised
Beach 2009
May 2009
Beach (especially over the border in Lancing to the west of the Church
of Good Shepherd) was covered in swathes of flowering
Red Valerian and Sea
Kale and Viper's
Bugloss was in flower (first time noted
this year although flowering must have occurred for at least a week) plus
the first Slender Thistle
in flower this year.
Widewater a pair of Mute Swans
had a handful (I did not count them) of cygnets.
early evening shrimping expedition at Lancing
was exceptionally poor registering just half a dozen Brown
Shrimps, Crangon crangon,
with most of them too small and one large one escaped through the net meshing.
Incidental captures were exiguous: three very young Greater
Pipefish Syngnathus acus,
three* Sand
Sole, Pegusa lascaris,
two one-clawed Vernal Crabs Liocarcinus
vernalis, half a dozen flatfish
Plaice) fry, one South-clawed
Hermit Crab,
Diogenes pugilator,
and a Lesser Spotted Dogfish Scyliorhinus
canicula purse
with an embryo.
There was a much darker brown different pipefish that escaped the net.
This could have been either a juvenile Worm Pipefish Nerophis
lumbriciformis, or even a juvenile
Pipefish Entelurus aequoreus. A
clump of the black grape-like Cuttlefish
eggs were discovered washed up on
the strandline.
was damaged and released and another one swam out of the net.)
March 2009
first reptile of
2009 was one of five Wall
Lizards, Podarcis
muralis, basking for a brief view
on the south-facing flint surround wall of the Old Fort, Shoreham
Beach, before skitting off into the grass growing up next to the wall.
Two of the lizards were grey coloured small juveniles.
9 March
male Pheasant
strutted over the shingle beach immediately to the east of the beach huts
on the south side of the road by the Church of the Good Shepherd on the
Shoreham-Lancing border. It was a surprise location to disturb a Pheasant
which then flew off over Widewater
towards New Monks
February 2009
immigrant male Merlin
landed on a pylon* near the Power Station Chimney in Shoreham Harbour (by
Southwick Beach) and it was quickly pounced upon by one of the resident
Falcons. "I saw one of the Peregrines hurtling towards
pylon with my naked eye. I looked straight back through the scope, expecting
to see an almighty tussle, but incredibly the Peregrine was perched on
the Merlin, the
latter still struggling and flapping wings, and the Peregrine keeping balance
with wings outspread. After one unsuccessful attempt at flying with its
prey still putting up a fight, the Peregrine managed to subdue the Merlin
and flew away further into Southwick somewhere (being lost behind the houses)
still clutching the Merlin.
frequent perch of one of the two resident Peregrines.)
February 2009
29 January 2009![]()
Widewater Lagoon
January 2009
Gull, Larus
glaucoides, was seen at 8:50
am on Southwick Beach just west of the power
station. It was a large individual with a pretty large bill. It was seen
again by Carat's Cafe
at 10:00 am.
& 20 January 2009
pairs of Red-breasted Mergansers
dived underneath the surface of Widewater Lagoon.
10 January 2009
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Swans showing the depth of the Ice on Widewater
by David Wood
Widewater Lagoon froze over, with the ice thick enough to support the weight of a Mute Swan.