Wild Flowers
Addenda 2016
To see a World in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

William Blake

from January 2015
Link to Trees 2009 - 2016
Adur Nature 2016
Sussex Wild Flora
Wild Flora on Chalk  on  flickr


29 May 2016

Shoreham Beach
Starry Clover, Sea Campion, Sea Kale, Rough Clover
Seaside Daisy, Sea Kale
Red Valerian, Curly Dock, Thrift, Tree Mallow

Adur Levels
Steyning Line Cyclepath
Crosswort, Yellow Flag Iris
Bird's Foot Trefoil, Lesser Stitchwort, Bird's Foot Trefoil

25 May 2016

Shoreham Beach
Kidney Vetch, Starry Clover, Childing Pink
Sea Kale
Red Valerian, Tree Mallow, Thrift
Silver Ragwort, Starry Clover

Garlic Mustard, Welsh Poppy, Columbine, Cornflower
Welsh Poppy, Green Alkanet

24 May 2016

North Shoreham (mostly Slonk Hill Cuttting South)
Wood Avens, Hop Trefoil, Ribwort Plantain, Salad Burnet
Marsh Marigold, Forget-me-Not
Sedge, Spotted Orchid, Cow Parsley, Herb Bennet

22 May 2016

Mill Hill
Mouse-ear, Horseshoe Vetch, Fairy Flax
Horseshoe Vetch, Dog Violets, Cowslips
Mouse-ear, Milkwort

19 May 2016

Mill Hill Cutting (SW)
Milkwort, Wayfaring, Milkwort
Marsh Marigold, Milkwort

NB: The Marsh Marigold was from my garden. I looked for the usual Southern Marsh Orchids on the road cutting on the south side of the Mil Hill Gap without sucess only finding evidence of human vegetation clearance and discarded rubbish.

18 May 2016

Around Cuckoo's Corner
Red Clover, Cuckoo Flower, Yellow Flag Iris, Garlic Mustard
White Clover
Red Campion, Hawthorn, Wood Avens
Cow Parsley

Cow Parsley (foreground)

14 - 16 May 2016

Lower Adur Levels
Cow Parsley, Herb Robert
Common Vetch, Columbine, Marsh Marigold

11 May 2016

Hundreds of Early Purple Orchids were in flower under the canopy of Lancing Clump where the sun would have shined through if it wasn't a misty day.
Adur Orchids

10 May 2016

Mill Hill (Upper & Middle)
Bulbous Buttercup, Bird's Foot Trefoil, Ground Ivy, Cowslips, Garlic Mustard
Common Vetch
Horseshoe Vetch, Hawthorn, Milkwort

9 May 2016

Mill Hill
Dandelion, Blackthorn, Germander Speedwell, Salad Burnet
Ground Ivy
Hounds-tongue, Horseshoe Vetch, Hawthorn

Most of the Blackthorn blossom had blown away on the top of Mill Hill, where Hawthorn was now flowering. Down on the lower slopes, the yellow of the Horseshoe Vetch, Hippocrepis comosa, was abundantly in flower, but nowhere near is best showing, and the Dog Violets were still commonly scattered over hillside. Most of the yellow rosettes were Dandelions, but there were a few Hawkbits/Hawkweeds and blue Milkworts were now frequently seen amongst the Horseshoe Vetch leaves. Hounds-tongue was seen with its first flowers near the steps down to the lower slopes of Mill Hill from the south.

8 May 2016

Adur Levels & Anchor Bottom
Garlic Mustard, Green-winged Orchid
Hawthorn, Common Vetch

Adur Orchids

6 May 2016

  Adur Levels
  Cowslips, Hawthorn, Herb Robert, Common Vetch

5 May 2016


4 May 2016

Mill Hill and Approaches
Carline Thistle, Germander Speedwell, Horseshoe Vetch x2
Blackthorn, Milkwort, Spring Starflower

3 May 2016

Cuckoo Flower, Blackthorn, Garlic Mustard,
Red Campion, Cuckoo Flower, Common Vetch
Red Campion, Cuckoo Flower

Hawthorn was now on green leaf and Blackthorn ceased flowering at Cuckoo's Corner, but there were still Primroses, Cowslips, Green Alkanet and Bluebells around the outskirts of Shoreham togther with newly flowering Red Campion, Garlic Mustard, one clump of Cuckoo Flower (near Ladywells on the Coombes Road), and the first two Yellow Flag Iris (stream next to Ladywells) the most eye catching on a breezy day.
Adur Campions

1 May 2016

Waterworks Road
Daffodil, White Deadnettle, Bluebells
Common Vetch

Common Vetch was spotted in flower for the first time this year at the southern end of the Waterworks Road, Old Shoreham. The illustrated Daffodil was a solitary clump of two flowers in the Maple spinney.

28 April 2016
Gale Force (Force 7) winds impeded flower photography.

Cuckoo's Corner
Garlic Mustard, Green Alkanet, Field Speedwell, Cuckoo's Corner
Green Alkanet
Bluebells, White Deadnettle, Bulbous Buttercup


What's the difference between Blackthorn and Hawthorn?
Adur Trees 2016

More Garlic Mustard had appeared on the verges of the Coombes Road. It appeared that the stands found were flourishing, was there was less of it than I seem to recall from previous years and very little (just one plant seen) between Cuckoo's Corner north to Ladywells Penstock, where it is normally common. Cuckoo Flower (=Lady's Smock) was flowering streamside in the drainage ditch that borders the field and runs due north of Cuckoo's Corner.  Blackthorn was still in flower along the Steyning Line Cyclepath at Old Shoreham, with the green leaves and buds of Hawthorn. Nipplewort was in flower in Shoreham.

25 April 2016

Shoreham Beach

Stonecrop, Ragwort,Sea Campion
Red Valerian, Dove's Foot Cranesbill, Corn Salad
Wavy Bittercress, Mouse-ear

Wavy Bittercress

20 April 2016
Dog Violets were scattered and abundant all over the lower slopes of Mill Hill. On the Coombes Road (south of Cuckoo's Corner only), Garlic Mustard had started to flower. North of Ladywells on the same country road (on the first incline to the Applesham Farm junction), the Elm hedges were beginning in green leaf on the eastern border to the road.
19 April 2016
The first Bulbous Buttercups were seen in flower on the verges of the towpath by the Riverside Industrial Estate (derelict) north of Ropetackle. They were tall flowers over 30 cm high. The last Blackthorn was still flowering at the south-east end of the Tollbridge, Old Shoreham. 

14 April 2016

An afternoon when the Cowslipsand Primroses were still in flower along the Steyning Line Cyclepath but no Coltsfoot. Suckered English Elm was coming into leaf on the outskirts on verges and patches of wasteland. Leaves were not so forthcoming on mature trees. Pussy Willow catkins were still on the trees although they also littered the ground underneath the branches.

Red Deadnettle
Ground Ivy
Allium ursinum

Ramsons (also called Wild Garlic), Allium ursinum, were spotted on the muddy verge of the Coombes Road, south of Cuckoo's Corner. The Sussex Plant Atlas includes the names Ramsons and is not shown as present in the Lower Adur Valley. It is not recorded in Flora of Shoreham-by-Sea (List).

8 April 2016

Blackthorn was in full flower at Cuckoo's Corner where Hawthorn was in substantial leaf and the leaves of Blackthorn had appeared. Blackthorn flowers appear before the leaves and the Hawthorn leaves appear before the flowers.

Green Alkanet, Lesser Celandine, Daffodils, Bluebells
Primrose, Blackthorn

5 April 2016

Cowslips, Ground Ivy, Sweet Violet
Lesser Celandine
Coltsfoot, Dog Violet, Primroses, Bluebells

28 March 2016
Blackthorn was seen in flower for the first time this year at the south end of the Waterworks Road, Old Shoreham. It looked like it had been flowering for a few days but nowhere near its peak as the blossom could only be seen close-up.

The first two Green Alkanet flowers were also seen. 

26 March 2016
Common Daisies in St. Mary de Haura churchyard were noticed to be particularly large with plenty of their rounded leaves in the flower beds and less leaf on the grass between the gravestones. 

Ivy-leaved Toadflax was flowering on the flint boundary walls of the churchyard. 

23 March 2016


13 March 2016

                                 Cherry Plum

11 March 2016

                                                                                 Alexanders  Smyrnium olustratum

February 2016

24 February 2016
Lesser Celandines were in flower but a bit battered on a verge at the top of Oxen Avenue, Shoreham. Daffodilswere flowering in widespread places, planted by people to brighten up the gloom.

25 January 2016
Field Speedwell was still in flower near Silver Sands, Shoreham Beach.

20 January 2016
Gorse was noted in flower by the Norfolk Bridge, and it probably has been since the beginning of the year.

18 January 2016


 In Botolphs churchyard, Greater Periwinkles (from last year), Primroses, one Lesser Celandine and Snowdrops were flowering.

15 January 2016
In Lancing, Mayweed and White Deadnettle were still in flower on the road verge south of the Sussex Pad.

4 January 2016
Daffodils were in flower in several clumps on the verge at the bottom (south) verges of Parkside (near Buckingham Park), north Shoreham. As these were likely to be semi-wild, a better claim to the first wild flowers of 2016 could be  the closed remnants of Nipplewort from the cracks in the tarmac in the twitten between Adelaide Square and Corbyn Crescent, Shoreham, although these would have late flowers from 2015.

Wild Flower Reports 2015

Adur Nature Reports 2016

Adur Nature Notes 2016

Wild Flowers 2008
Flora of Shoreham-by-Sea (List)

British Wild Flowers (photographs of all)

Parts of a Flower

Pollination Power

A Layman's Guide to British Wild Flowers

Botanical Latin

Wild Flower Society

List of the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland

Alphabetical LIst of British Wild Plants

Plant Glossary

Flower Terminology

Wild Flower Key


Sussex Wild Flora

Flora & Fauna on Chalk


Comparative Plant Ecology (book)
Interactive Flora of the British Isles: DVD ROM

SquinancywortLady's BedstrawVervainEyebrightWild BasilLink to the Adur Nature Notes 2009 web pagesLink to the Adur 2010 Nature Notes pagesLink to the Adur 2012 Nature Notes pages