![]() This is the first published
Electronic Newspaper for
4 July 2000 : Volume 2 Issue 23
The next stage of their plan is to curry support for their idea of removing the wharfage on the western Adur arm of the harbour (the weir plan has been dropped, but could be reinstated?) to build high density housing. This is directly against the current planning policy for port-related uses only, and may actually be detrimental to the port if in the future they have turn away business because of lack of wharfage. Wildlife Reports 4
July 2000
July 2000
June 2000
June 2000
Extensive mudflats with an infaunal community dominated by ragworm Hediste
diversicolor and the Peppery Furrow Shell Scrobicularia plana
(Shoreham, West Sussex; D. Connor) © JNCC.
ORCHID SLIDE SHOW (Link) (photographs by Ray Hamblett) British Naturalists' Association (link) Find
the Sites of Special Scientific Interest using this link:
Words of the Week gallimaufry|
almfri | n. M16. [Fr. galimafree (OFr. calimafree), of unkn. origin.]
1 A varied miscellaneous jumble or medley; (chiefly dial.) a dish made
up of minced (esp. leftover) meat etc., a hash, a ragout. M16. 2 A person
of many accomplishments or qualities. Freq. contempt. Now rare. E17.
syzygy| szdi | n. E17. [Late L syzygia f. Gk suzugia yoke, pair, copulation, conjunction, f. suzugos yoked, paired, f. sun- SYN- + stem of zeugnunai yoke.] 1 Pros. A combination of two different feet in one measure, a dipody. E17. 2 Astron. a = CONJUNCTION 2. M17-E18. b Conjunction or opposition of two celestial objects; either of the points (in space or time) at which these take place, esp. in the case of the moon with the sun (new moon and full moon). Cf. QUADRATURE 3. E18. 3 A pair of connected or correlative things; spec. in Gnostic Philos., a pair of opposites or aeons. M19. 4 Zool. a A suture or immovable union of two joints of a crinoid; the joints united in this way. L19. b The conjunction of two organisms without loss of identity; in sporozoans, close attachment of pairs of gametocytes prior to fusion. L19.syzygial a. (Astron. & Zool.) pertaining to or of the nature of a syzygy or syzygies M19. syzygium n. (Zool.) = SYZYGY 4b L19.
Excerpted from The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia Developed by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties Inc. Computer Tips Digital Workshop ***
is worth visiting for some trial software. JASC Media Centre was used to construct the Slide Shows on the British Marine Life Study Society web site. Sussex Web Sites ![]() More Information on Lancing (by Ray Hamblett) *** Sussex
Archaeology & Folklore
Historical Snippets BYGONES
Events 8 July SHOREHAM MARITIME FESTIVAL 15 July Bath Tub Race Sunday 9 July 2000 8 July St. Botolphs
Summer Fête
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SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY For any company or organisation wanting nationwide green publicity, there is an opportunity to sponsor the journal "Glaucus" of the British Marine Life Study Society. There remains sponsorship opportunities on the BMLSS (England) web site and other publications, including Torpedo. Sponsorship is also available for the Adur Torpedo Electronic News Bulletin and the Shoreham-by-Sea web pages (which preceded the Adur Resource Centre web site), which would be more suitable for a local firm(s). Web Site Design Services are available from Hulkesmouth Publishing Normal
advertisement rules apply.
Adur Torpedo was written, designed and distributed by Andy Horton. Links
to earlier issues (for subscribers who have downloaded the Bulletins only,
and web site visitors).
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