Lower Adur Valley, West Sussex

October 2014

Shoreham-by-Sea Homepage
Downs north of Shoreham and the Adur Valley (map)
Link to web pages: Lancing Nature Gallery
Met Office
Shoreham Weather
Beaufort Scale

EasyTide (Shoreham)

Shoreham Beach
Weather Station

 Adur Coastal & Marine
 Adur Estuary & Levels
 Mill Hill
 Slonk Hill Cutting
 Urban Reports
 Lancing Nature Blogspot
 Lancing Ring
Link to the Adur 2012 Nature Notes pages
Friends of Lancing Ring
Link to the Adur Festival web pages
 World Oceans Day 2012
 Multi-Map (Bird's Eye View) 
 of Mill Hill
Friends of Shoreham Beach
Link to the Mill Hill web page for 2011

Local Speakers


British Dragonfly Society Link
Link to the Shoreham-by-Sea Community page

Adur Wildlife
Main Links
Send me an EMail (Choose a clear subject heading please)
British Marine Life Study Society
Hulkesmouth Publishing Company
 Sussex Ornithological
 Society News and Reports
 Strandline Quiz
 Seashore Quiz


Adur Damselflies and Dragonflies web page
 Seaquest SW (Cornwall
 Wildlife Trust web pages)
Ecological Database of the British Isles 
 World Oceans Day
Link to Lancing Nature Notes Blogspot
Lancing Blogspot
 Sussex Wildlife Web Sites
Shoreham-by-Sea Homepage
Link to the Sussex Bat Group web pages
Andy Horton
RX (Rye) Wildlife
Fungi of Lancing
Fungi of Shoreham
Adur Fruiting Bodies Database
Lancing Fungi Gallery (by Ray Hamblett)
Fungi of the British Isles (Yahoo Group)
Lancing Clump Supplementary
Autumn 2004 
Fungi of Mill Hill
Fungi Images on the Web (Index)
Adur Butterfly Blog
Adur Wild Flower Blog
Adur Insect Links:

Solitary Bees
Adur Bees, Wasps & Sawflies
Grasshoppers & Crickets
Damselflies & Dragonflies




Reports by Andy Horton from personal observation unless otherwise indicated
Clicking on the new thumbnail-style images will reveal a larger photograph

2014  Regional

Adur Coastal & Marine
Adur Estuary & Levels
Mill Hill & the Downs
Urban Reports
Click on the image to find the location on a map via flickr
Click on the image to find the location on a map via flickr
Click on the image to find the location on a map via geograph
Click on the image to find the location on a map via flickr

Click on the images above to find the location on a map via flickr or geograph 



28 October 2014

Little Egrets

A Shelduck, two Cormorants, four Teal, two Little Egrets and a handful Black-headed Gulls all congregated together on a small patch of dry land on a flooded Widewater Lagoon. On the shingle beach a flock of a dozen or more Turnstones were well camouflaged against the pebbles as the high tide rolled against the shore. The flock flew off over the sea when chased by a small Terrier dog.

19 & 20 October 2014

Spider, Xysticus, on Carline Thistle 
on Mill Hill
Dandelion & Tree Bumblebee
on the Downs Link Cyclepath, Erringham

Adur Spiders
Adur Bumblebees
Common Bumblebees (ID)

5 October 2014
Throughout the year, gulls congregate on the mud flats of the River Adur at the middle to low tides, north of the Railway Viaduct. There are more in numbers in variety in winter where the Great Black-backed Gull is a regular presence. Dedicated birdwatchers will scan the roosting gulls for the frequent waders and rarities and to test their skills at gull identification, which is tricky with the juveniles and vagrant visitors. 
A gull with a white head and long flapping wings, was positively identified as a visiting Caspian Gull, Larus cachinnans, a very scarce (or under-recorded) gull in Sussex and Britain. 

A Clouded Yellow Butterfly fluttered in the sunshine over a meadow between the cyclepath and the River Adur north of Old Shoreham on the same latitude as Old Erringham. There was very little colour or movement. On the outgoing tide, a Little Grebe was seen taking flight, skimming over the calm water. 

On the southern carnot wall  of Shoreham Fort, two adult Wall Lizards, Podarcis muralis, skittered rapidly over the flint and brick. 

2 October 2014
Just as I was going to jot down that there were no butterflies seen on the lower slopes of Mill Hill, a tatty blue butterfly was disturbed at the northern end after ten minutes with only Crane-flies and a few grasshoppers moving about. This was the first of two male Common Blues in the late afternoon. Immediately afterwards the first of half a dozen or more Meadow Browns appeared, including a fine condition male. The most impressive butterfly was a good condition Wall Brown that landed briefly on a bare area of chalky earth. Last but not least was a probable Small Tortoiseshell that flew off rapidly.
Adur Butterfly Report

1 October 2014
An unusual white Musk Thistle was discovered at Truleigh Hill.
Report and Photograph by Helen Swyer

With the low neap tide on the River Adur at Old Shoreham, plenty of mud was showing (tidal height: about 4 metres) and about five Oystercatchers probed south of the Toll Bridge, as a Cormorant fished in open water. North of the Toll Bridge a Greenshank was seen at the water's edge. Around the first bend in the river north of Old Shoreham, scores of Common Gulls congregated on a narrow bank of mud. On shore, Goldfinches picked at the Teasels and Lesser Burdock for seeds. 

October 2013 Reports

Wild Flowers 2014
Shoreham Weather 2014

EasyTide (Shoreham)

Shoreham Beach Weather Station

Adur Nature Notes 2013

Butterfly List 2014
Adur Butterfly Flight Times
Flora of Shoreham-by-Sea
Shoreham and District Ornithological Society
Sussex Ornithological Society News
Lancing Village

MultiMap Aerial Photograph of the Adur Levels and Downs

Urban Wildlife Webring

Link to the Adur 2012 Nature Notes pagesLink to the Adur Nature Notes 2011 web pagesLink to the Adur 2010 Nature Notes pages
Link to the Adur Nature Notes 2009 web pagesLink to the Adur Nature Notes 2008 web pagesLink to the Adur Nature Notes 2007 web pages
Link to Adur Nature Notes 2005  Index pageLink to the Adur Nature Notes 2006 web pagesLink to the Adur Nature Notes 2004 Index page
Link to Adur Valley Nature Notes 2003Latest Nature Notes and Index page 2002
Mill Hill, north of Shoreham


    The Shoreham-by-Sea web site started on 1 January 1997.
    Webmaster: Andy Horton

Adur Valley
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Golden Boar Fish

Speckled Bush CricketClick on the thumb for the enlargement of the cricketClick on the thumb for the enlargement of the cricket
Shoreham Lifeboat Station