25 December 2000 : Volume 2 Issue 44 Local News A cold north-east wind brings the first chill to the winter after the clement but very wet autumn. There is no sign of snow.
Please send any comments to: Andy Horton
First reports of the effects of the floods in the Adur estuary, Sussex. Carp, Cyprinus carpio, a freshwater fish, up to 3.5 kg have been caught alive in the freshwater surface of the swollen River Adur next to Monteum fish merchants, 5 miles downstream from the weir near Partridge Green that separates the tidal estuary from the freshwater reaches. The Carp were still alive. The salinity in this area at high tide is usually 3.2% and upwards compared to the sea at 3.4%. Freshwater fish have never been seen (except for 3-spined Sticklebacks) in this area before despite extensive (every day for 10 years) observations. Salinity has also been measured quite often and rarely is the amount of fresh water sufficient for freshwater fish, although previously, the estuary became too fresh for marine fish and for an hour at a low spring tide, thousands of marine fish jumped out of the estuary by Soldier's Point on a memorable occasion. Wildlife
Records on the Adur eForum (you have to join)
1 August
1 December
Naturalists' Association (link)
the Sites of Special Scientific Interest using this link:
Words of the Week sympatric a. [Gk patra fatherland] Biol. (of species, speciation, etc.) occurring in the same area; overlapping in distribution: sojourn
| sd()n, -dn, sLd- | n. ME. [AN su(r)jurn or OFr. sojor(n) (mod.
sejour), f. OFr. sojourner: see next.] 1 A temporary stay at a place. ME.
b A delay; a digression. ME-E16. 2 A place of temporary stay. ME.
sojourn | sd()n, -dn, sLd- | v. ME. [OFr. so(r)journer (mod. sejourner), ult. f. L sub- SUB- + late L diurnum day. Cf. JOURNAL n. & a.] 1 v.i. Stay temporarily; reside for a time. ME. 2 v.i. Tarry, delay. LME-L16. 3 v.t. Lodge (a person); rest or quarter (horses). LME-L17.sojourner n. (a)a visitor, a guest; a lodger; (b)spec. a boarder living in a house, school, or college to receive instruction: LME. sojourning n. (a)the action or fact of making a sojourn; (b)the time or period of a sojourn: ME. sojournment n. the action of sojourning; a temporary stay: L17. Astroturf | astrtf | n. M20. [f. Astrodome, an indoor baseball ground in Houston, Texas, where first used, + TURF n.] (Proprietary name for) an artificial grasslike surface auscultation | sk()lte()n | n. M17. [L auscultatio(n-), f. as prec.: see -ATION.] 1 The action of listening. M17. 2 Med. The action of listening, usu. with a stethoscope, to the heart, lungs, or other organs, as an aid to diagnosis. E19. ---------------------------------------------------------
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The upsurge of EFora on all subjects (a few have been recommended before in these bulletins) are an important way in which the Internet will change the world. A list of recommended eFora will appear soon. Please make any suggestions. See the Profusion Search method below. Poem of the Week Pause of Mister Claus Why
do you sit there so strange?
must think Santa Clause weird
get Santa Clause 'cause;
Clause sneaks in your home at night.
Obituary The funeral of local boatbuilder and artist Arthur Godfrey was held at Worthing Crematorium on 22 December 2000, 12:40 pm. Arthur can be seen playing darts and drinking a pint of cider in the King's Head, circa 1982.
He is nearest the dart board. It is rather a poor photograph.
2 August
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For any company or organisation wanting nationwide green publicity, there is an opportunity to sponsor the journal "Glaucus" of the British Marine Life Study Society. There remains sponsorship opportunities on the BMLSS (England) web site and other publications, including Torpedo. Sponsorship is also available for the Adur Torpedo Electronic News Bulletin and the Shoreham-by-Sea web pages (which preceded the Adur Resource Centre web site), which would be more suitable for a local firm(s). Web Site Design Services are available from Hulkesmouth Publishing Normal
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Adur Torpedo was written, designed and distributed by Andy Horton. Links
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