Shoreham-by-Sea and District, West Sussex, England Local News
Please send any comments to: Andy Horton Wildlife Reports Adur
World Oceans Day 2001
The first flurries of snow, hardly anything, are seen in the late morning. Ice formed on the Lancing Ring Dewpond (Ray Hamblett) 11
January 2001
4 January 2001 The overnight rainfall at Shoreham of 20 mm was the highest in England. Where is other places the dangers of floods are receding, the water table is reaching high levels, but not record levels, locally. In October 2001 the rainfall was higher. 1 January
1 January 2001 After the dampest autumn on record, New Years Eve brought 8 hours+ of continual rain up until and past midnight. National Floodline, Tel: 0845 988 1188
1 August
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ukwildlife Recommended
Smart Groups (Click on this text)
Naturalists' Association (link)
the Sites of Special Scientific Interest using this link:
Words of the Week tor
| t | n. [OE torr, perh. of British origin (cf. OWelsh torr bulge,
belly, Gael. torr bulging hill).] A rocky peak or hill, esp. in Cornwall
or Devon (freq. in place-names). Formerly also, a (pile of) rocks on the
top of a hill.
maigre | me, foreign mer | a. M16. [(O)Fr.: see MEAGRE a.] I 1 = MEAGRE a. I. M16-L17. II RC Ch. 2 Designating a day on which abstinence from meat is ordered. L17. 3 eat maigre, keep maigre, live maigre, live on a maigre diet. M-L18. 4 Of food, esp. soup: not containing meat; suitable for eating on maigre days. L18. heuristic | hj()rstk | a. & n. E19. [Irreg. f. Gk heuriskein find, after wds in -ISTIC from vbs in -izein -IZE.] A adj. 1 Serving to find out or discover something. E19. 2 Of or pertaining to heurism in education. L19. 3 Esp. Computing. Designating or employing trial-and-error methods in problem-solving. M20. B n. 1 a Heuretic logic. E19. b A heuristic method for attempting the solution of a problem; a rule or item of information used in such a process. M20. 2 In pl. (treated as sing.). The study and use of heuristic techniques in data processing. M20.heuristical a. = HEURISTIC a. 2 M19. heuristically adv. M20. orthography | thrfi | n. LME. [OFr. ortografie, later -graphie (mod. orthographie) f. L orthographia f. Gk, f. as ORTHO- + -GRAPHY.] 1 Correct or proper spelling; spelling according to accepted usage or convention. Also, a particular mode or system of spelling. LME. b The branch of grammar which deals with letters and their combination to represent sounds and words; the subject of spelling. L16. c An orthographer. rare (Shakes.). Only in L16. 2 (A representation in) orthographic projection, a vertical elevation. M17.orthographer n. a person skilled in orthography; a person who spells in accordance with accepted usage: L16. orthographist n. = ORTHOGRAPHER E17. orthographize v. (rare) (a)v.t. school in orthography; spell (a word) correctly; (b)v.i. follow the rules of orthography, spell correctly: L16. ---------------------------------------------------------
Net Support Site
(for computing problems) ****
The upsurge of EFora on all subjects (a few have been recommended before in these bulletins) are an important way in which the Internet will change the world. A list of recommended eFora will appear soon. Please make any suggestions. See the Profusion Search method below. Poem of the Week "Someday,
after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we
shall harness the energies of love.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Sussex Archaeological Society http://www.sussexpast.co.uk Sussex
Archaeological Society EGroup
Events 26
January 2001
For any company or organisation wanting nationwide green publicity, there is an opportunity to sponsor the journal "Glaucus" of the British Marine Life Study Society. There remains sponsorship opportunities on the BMLSS (England) web site and other publications, including Torpedo. Sponsorship is also available for the Adur Torpedo Electronic News Bulletin and the Shoreham-by-Sea web pages (which preceded the Adur Resource Centre web site), which would be more suitable for a local firm(s). Web Site Design Services are available from Hulkesmouth Publishing Normal
advertisement rules apply.
Adur Torpedo was written, designed and distributed by Andy Horton. Links
to earlier issues (for subscribers who have downloaded the Bulletins only,
and web site visitors).
Group Name | Subject | Details | URL |
Adur Valley eForum | Adur Valley, West Sussex | All aspects of life in Shoreham-by-Sea, the Adur District and lower valley | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/adur/ |
Biodiversity | Biological Recording UK | Recording techniques for wildlife in the UK | http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/biodiversity |
History & Archaeology | History in Britain and Ireland | History in Britain and Ireland up to the beginning of the 20th century | http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/british-history |
Marine Wildlife of the NE Atlantic Ocean | Marine life study | Marine life study for serious enthusiasts | http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/Glaucus |
Pedal Power | Cycling in the UK | All aspects of cycling in Britain | http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/cycling |
Small Publisher | Publishing using computers | DTP, Web Design, Photo-manipulation, Editing and all information on small scale publishing | http://publisher.jiglu.com/ |
Sussex & the Downs | Sussex and the South Downs | Downs, Wildlife and Sussex issues | http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/downs |
Wet Thumb | Marine Aquariology | Marine aquaria, fishkeeping, aquaculture | http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/wet-thumb |
World Oceans Day | Exhibitions about the sea and biodiversity | Exhibitions and events to celebrate the oceans environment | http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/oceans |