This is the first published
Electronic Newspaper for
February 2001
The van was carried 100 metres
up the track by the train (1402) travelling at 50 mph. The van was so wrecked
it was unrecognisable.
National Floodline, Tel: 0845 988 1188 Please send any comments to: Andy Horton
Two badly decomposed Dolphins have been washed up on Shoreham beach. They were so badly decomposed that it is unknown whether they are Common or Bottle-nosed Dolphins. 10
February 2001
February 2001
8 February
Empty egg cases of the Thornback Ray (left) and Dogfish (right) are found washed up on the strandline by Andy Horton and Ray Hamblett. 29
January 2001
Adur World Oceans Day 2000 web page Lancing
Nature & History - January Newsletter
Records on the Adur eForum (you have to join)
1 August
UK Wildlife eGroups Forum http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ukwildlife Designing for Cyclists (Web Site) Camden Cycling Campaign After discussion on the Urban Cyclist EForum, it appears that most cyclists have grave reservations about the Camden initiative. There seems to very few advantages to cycle lanes and it may be better if the concept is abandoned altogether.
1 December 2000
Naturalists' Association (link)
the Sites of Special Scientific Interest using this link:
Words of the Week prosopography | prs()prfi | n. M16. [mod.L prosopographia, f. Gk prosopon face, person: see -GRAPHY.] 1 Rhet. = PROSOPOPOEIA 1. rare. Only in M16. 2 A description of (esp. the outward appearance of) a person. obs. exc. as in sense 3 below. L16. 3 A description of a person's appearance, personality, social and familial connections, career, etc.; a collection of such descriptions; the study of these, esp. in Roman history. E20.prosopographer n. M20. prosopographic, prosopographical adjs. of or pertaining to the method of historical study or research which makes use of prosopography M20. prosopographically adv. L20. ---------------------------------------------------------
Computer Tips
http://computing.net/windows95/wwwboard/wwwboard.html The upsurge of EFora
on all subjects (a
few have been recommended before in these bulletins) are an important way
in which the Internet
will change the world.
See the Profusion Search method below. Poem of the Week I
command to depart from me the mermaids who are called the sirens, and also
the Castalian nymphs, that is to say the mountain elves who dwelt on mount
Link to their web site.
Historical Snippets Andy
Horton asked some time ago (14-1) where Cymenesora was- Aelle's
to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (AD 477) three Saxon ships arrived in a part
of Britain which was to be later known as Sussex at a place called Cymenes
ora. King Aelle (d. c. 514) accompanied by three sons Cymen, Wlenca and
Cissa landed from Gaul (France). In 465 (485) they fought the British at
what is probably a boundary stream called Mearcredesburna.
is a useful discussion of the location in Anglo-Saxon Charters VI -
which Kelly identifies with Cymenesora, is mentioned in one of
a number of the supposed early charters, this one is in fact much later
mentions that there have been doubts about the Cumeneshore reference being
relevant part of the boundary clause states that "from the entrance of
shoreline on the west side of Selsey "island", where Medmerry is located,
course, if the Cumeneshore= Cymenesora identification is accepted, it still
Following the "Cymenesora" string (Andy Horton): The
medieval "Port of Wythering"- generally identified with Pagham Harbour,
and the Port of Wythering are both referred to in Julian Munby's paper
Another of the Selsey charters, of similar origin to the one I have previously referred to, mentions lands in Pagham, with reference to the brethren of St Andrew's church, located on the eastern shore of the harbour which is called Uedringmutha- thought to be the still-extant 10th-century remains of St Andrew's chapel on the east side of Pagham Harbour, not far from the medieval church of St Thomas. Hope the above is of use John
Mills, Archaeologist
answer is, in part at least, place-names. A pertinent study is "The Anglo-Saxon
Traveller" by Ann Cole in Nomina vol. 17 (1994); she has produced a series
of related articles (see esp. the English Place-Name Society Journal vols
21, 22, 24 & 25), and her hypothesis concerning the function of names
containing Old English _ofer_ and _o:ra_ ('a flat-topped ridge with a convex
shoulder') as travellers'
Andy Horton <Glaucus@hotmail.com>
It does seem that Cymenesora near Sidlesham has the greatest claim to
are other things I can ask about this interesting history, but I will
Cheers Andy
Archaeological Society
Archaeological Society EGroup
Events Ropetackle
takes place on 20 February 2001
at the Adur Civic Centre. If you are interested please let me know.
There are places available under the auspices of the BRITISH
Marine Life Study Society. If you want to attend, please ask me at
the earliest possible opportunity as the number of representives are limited
by space.
For any company or organisation wanting nationwide green publicity, there is an opportunity to sponsor the journal "Glaucus" of the British Marine Life Study Society. There remains sponsorship opportunities on the BMLSS (England) web site and other publications, including Torpedo. Sponsorship is also available for the Adur Torpedo Electronic News Bulletin and the Shoreham-by-Sea web pages (which preceded the Adur Resource Centre web site), which would be more suitable for a local firm(s). Web Site Design Services are available from Hulkesmouth Publishing Normal
advertisement rules apply.
Torpedo was written, designed and distributed by Andy