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 This is the first published Electronic Newspaper for 
Shoreham-by-Sea and the Adur Valley & District, West Sussex, England

     17 June  2001: Volume 3  Issue 21

Local News
 16 June 2001

The Adur Festival starts with a procession but ends with a big squelch and a whimper, although there is a fête on Southwick Green.

Adur Festival Start

 Adur World Oceans Day Picture Portfolio

14 June 2001
Shoreham Airport

An aeroplane with a disabled pilot made an emergency and successful landing, gliding down on to the airfield after the engine cut out. The pilot was lucky that the engine did fail at what is called "dead reckoning height" when the aeroplane would then plummet straight into the ground.
Eye Witness Report

South Downs National Park : Proposed Area

Click on the URL for the complete map

The footpaths to Lancing Ring are now open.

West Sussex County Council announce most paths are now open, unless they are inhabited or used by farm livestock, or farm animals are nearby. 

The cycle path from Old Shoreham is officially open.

Weather Forecast

Please send any comments to: Andy Horton

Wildlife Notes
14 June 2001
Red Valerian (Photograph by David Wood)The shingle beach at Shoreham beach along to the Widewater is a colourful sight with Red Valerian (red and white) , Viper's Bugloss (blue), Sea Thrift (pink), Sea Kale (white), Tree Mallow (crimson, not so much as usual), Yellow-horned Poppy, Silver Ragwort and a few garden flowers particularly colourful as expected during the best month of June. A party of school children, pencils and pads in their hand were on a field trip near the Church of the Good Shepherd.

11 June 2001
Offshore from Brooklands Boating Lake, Common Terns, with their distinctive forked tails, swept low over the sea that was showing the first signs of white horses, and descended to take a feed from just below the surface in one swift swoop. Black-headed Gulls, in breeding livery with a completely dark (brown) head, were attempting the same manoeuvre without the same elegance. A half dozen Cormorants congregated around the post marking the outlet pipe, occasionally diving under. This is a regular flocking area for these fish eating birds with frequently up to 29 birds that can be quickly counted. 

The Ringed Plover reveals itself by its swift running over the shingle. Without moving it is too well camouflaged and difficult to spot. The summer residents birds and much plumper than the lean winter visitors. As the tide ebbs and the water recedes, more (a half dozen in 50 metres of sand) of these small birds appear on the emerging sand flats.

The small orange sea anemones are Diadumene cincta

Under the sea, Paul Parsons returned from a brief foray with a handful of very small Actinothoe sea anemones, a small sea hare Elysia viridis, and some other very small orange anemones with whitish orange tentacles. After close study I think these are the often overlooked Diadumene cincta. The mouth is orange in some specimens, but the most useful diagnostic difference from the similar Plumose Anemones is their instant jerky reaction when touched. 
Under Worthing Pier (Page 3)
Sea Anemones (Link)

Common Spotted Orchid (Photograph by Ray Hamblett)10 June 2001
Thousands of Common Spotted Orchids are in flower on the chalk bank of westbound A27 Shoreham bypass near Slonk Hill (TQ 225 065).

Report by Ray Hamblett


 Lancing Nature & History - June 2001 Newsletter 
(Link to the web site by Ray Hamblett)

    Words of the Week
    race, a group, population, breed, or variety within a species. The term is rarely used scientifically because of difficulties in its exact definition. Subgroups within a species are thought to evolve from a series of biological changes through many generations. These groups reflect local differences in the distribution of genes, arising from the isolation of breeding populations and subsequent loss of interbreeding. 
     The term 'race' is sometimes used to divide humanity into different groups according to real or imagined common descent. Such divisions are usually based on physical characteristics such as skin and hair colour, and shape of eyes and nose, which are related to the geographical origins of a particular group. In the 19th century, it was believed that human beings could be unambiguously classed as members of particular races, and that social and cultural differences could be explained on racial grounds. The notion of race as a rigid classification or genetic system has largely been abandoned, and it is generally acknowledged that human races are relative sub-divisions of one species, which have migrated and interbred over time. Many supposed differences between the races are actually owing to different social customs and religious and language differences. There is, however, a small minority of exponents of much-disputed theories that race and attributes such as intelligence are connected. (See also ethnic group, racism.)

    twitchel  | twt()l |  n. dial. Also twitchen. [OE twycene, twicen. Cf. TWITTEN.]  1 A fork in a road, a forked way. OE-ME. 2 A narrow lane; a narrow passage between walls or hedges. LME.

    NB: But OE _twicen(e)_ yields ME _twychen_ (which would give a ModE 
    *_twitchen_). The attested ME forms of _twitten_ (e.g. 'atte Twyten' in 13th 
    c. Sussex surnames) point rather to an OE *_twiten_, related to German 
    _Twiete_ 'narrow lane, alley'.
    Paul Cullen

    twitten  | twt()n |  n. dial. E19. [Perh. rel. to LG twiete alley, lane. Cf. TWITCHEL.] A narrow path or passage between two walls or hedges.

    Colloquial Sussex words

    absolute  | abslut |  a. & n. LME. [L absolutus freed, completed, pa. pple of absolvere ABSOLVE; partly infl. by OFr. absolu.] A adj.  I Detached, disengaged. 1 Absolved from. LME-M17. 2 Disengaged from accidental or special circumstances. Only in LME. 3 Absorbed in (an occupation). Only in L15.

     II In quality or degree. 4 Finished; perfect. arch. LME.  5 Pure, mere; in the strictest sense. M16. 6 Complete, entire. L16.
    4 G. SANDYS Where mariners be English: who are the absolutest in their profession. 5 P. HAWKER The gale increased to an absolute tornado. absolute alcohol ethanol containing less than one per cent of water by weight. absolute music self-dependent instrumental music without literary or other extraneous suggestions. 6 ARNOLD BENNETT Performed with absolute assurance and perfection. N. BLAKE If he wasn't such an absolute ass. D. LESSING Your decree [of divorce] was absolute last week.
     III In position or relation. 7 Gram. Not in the usual grammatical relation or construction; (of a form) uninflected. LME.  8 Of ownership or authority: unrestricted, independent. L15. 9 Having absolute power; arbitrary, despotic. L16. 10 Viewed without relation to or comparison with other things of the same kind; real, actual. E17.
    7 ablative absolute: see ABLATIVE n. 1. accusative absolute: see ACCUSATIVE n. dative absolute: see DATIVE n. genitive absolute: see GENITIVE n. nominative absolute: see NOMINATIVE n. 8 absolute majority a majority over all rivals combined, more than half. 10 absolute HUMIDITY. absolute MAGNITUDE. absolute pitch a fixed standard of pitch defined by the rate of vibration; ability to recognize or reproduce the exact pitch of a note. absolute temperature temperature measured from absolute zero. absolute term: see TERM n. absolute unit a unit which can be defined in terms of mass, length, and time. absolute value Math. of a real number: its value irrespective of sign; of a complex number a + ib: the positive square root of a2 + b2. absolute viscosity: see VISCOSITY 2. absolute zero: see ZERO n. 2b.
     IV Without condition or mental limitation. 11 Of a person or prediction: free from doubt or uncertainty. arch. E17. 12 Of a statement etc.: free from conditions or reservations. E17. 13 Philos. Existing or able to be thought of without relation to other things. L18.
    11 SHAKES. Cymb. I am absolute 'Twas very Cloten.
     B n. 1 the Absolute, that which is absolute, that which exists or is able to be thought of without relation to other things. M19. 2 An absolute thing; an absolute principle or truth. M19.absolutely adv. in an absolute manner or degree; also (stressed on 3rd syll.) used as an emphatic affirmative: yes, quite so: LME. absoluteness n. M16.

    comprehensive  | kmprhensv |  a. & n. E17. [Fr. comprehensif, -ive or late L comprehensivus, f. comprehens-: see COMPREHENSIBLE, -IVE.] A adj. 1 Comprising or including much or all; of large content or scope; spec. (of motor vehicle insurance) providing cover for most risks, including damage to the policyholder's own vehicle. E17. b Inclusive of. M17. c spec. Designating a secondary school or a system of education which provides for children of all intellectual or other abilities. M20. 2 Characterized by mental comprehension; embracing many mental sympathies etc. E17.  3 Logic. Understood in intension as opp. to extension. Now rare or obs. E18.
    1 M. FRAYN A comprehensive lexicon of all the multi-purpose monosyllables used by headline-writers. D. HALBERSTAM He wanted more coverage than any other paper; he was determinedto be comprehensive.
     B n. A comprehensive school. M20.comprehensively adv. LME. comprehensiveness n. M17. comprehensivization n. the action of comprehensivizing M20. comprehensivize v.t. make (a school, an education system) comprehensive M20.

    Excerpted from The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia
    Developed by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties Inc. 

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